What is Personal Protection Insurace?

Personal protection insurance protects you and your loved ones against a variety of issues, including loss of income, covering mortgage payments, debt payments, medical bills and rehabilitation costs, and many other issues.

What is life cover?

Everyone has financial obligations that they are tied to, and if someone happens to die early, the impact extends far beyond emotional turmoil. More specifically, the death of someone who provides financially for the family can quickly lead to a spiral of financial instability. This problem leaves those already struggling with their loss in fear of losing their home and their way of life. Life cover is a blanket of financial comfort even in the most difficult and sad moments.


How does life insurance work?

Life insurance policies are very simple. You pay an agreed amount to the insurance company every month. And if you die, they pay a defined lump sum to your beneficiaries. All for the purpose of providing financial security.

What are the benefits of life insurance?

In addition to peace of mind, there are several additional benefits that can form part of your life insurance plan. From payouts when you become ill and unable to work. To income protection that takes care of you during times of financial hardship. This can be crucial for your financial stability, both if you are alone and if you have a family.

Are personal injury settlement taxable? Check HERE.

What medical expenses are covered?

No-fault law covers all medical care expenses related to a car accident that are “reasonably necessary” for the care, recovery or rehabilitation of the victim.

Covered medical care includes:

Medical expenses for doctor visits, hospitalizations, surgeries, procedures, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, physical therapy, psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, rehabilitation, prescription drugs and many other needs. Medical mileage, which is compensation for the transportation costs of a traffic accident victim related to travel to and from doctors’ offices, hospitals, clinics, and rehabilitation facilities to receive medical care and treatment.

Contact us!

Personal protection insurance will ensure that you and your family are always fully covered during the most challenging times.

Nedim Ramic and Bajric & Ramic team of attorneys are here for you. And you should not hesitate to call us today for a free consultation. The time is of the esence. If you find these information above useful, but you have more questions regarding the subject. Or you just need legal help straight forward, give us a call. On 314-352-6800 and get free consultations today!

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