Construction accidents

Construction accidents are very inconvenient and often life-threatening for the injured person. Also, in addition to workers, passers-by or residents of the building where the work is being carried out can also experience an accident on the construction site. Unfortunately, accidents like this happen a lot, and they are caused by the negligence of the workers and the carelessness of the rest of the team. Victims who survive such accidents usually pay large medical bills and go without pay because they lose their jobs due to injury or a negligent employer.

construction accidents

Compensation after suffering an injury

If the victim of an injury or accident is a passer-by or a tenant of the building, depending on the extent of the injury and the free will of the injured person, he may or may not request compensation from the construction company. However, if a construction site worker is injured, he usually has to file a claim for compensation by law, which should be compensated by the company. If a worker is injured by another contractor, then the victim submits a claim for compensation against the contractor.

How often do accidents occur in construction?

What are the construction accidents that can happen and what can cause them?


These are extremely important machines when it comes to construction. Unfortunately, in case of inexperience of the worker or a broken part on the machine, very dangerous injuries can occur.


If the floor on which the workers work is slippery, leg, arm, or neck fractures can occur very often. Which can have fatal consequences.

Falling from a height

Accidents that occur when falling from scaffolding, from a ladder, from the edge of a building, through an elevator, etc. Unfortunately, these types of injuries usually end in death.

Accidents with substances on the construction site

These types of accidents are usually gas leaks, smelly gas explosions, carbon monoxide, etc.

Get electrocuted

All electrical equipment used on construction sites can be a potential hazard, as can the multitude of cables around workers.

Accidents on heavy machinery

These types of machines are really unavoidable, especially when finishing works are carried out. However, if the workers are careless or if the machine breaks down or the worker loses control. Many workers can be injured.

These mentioned types of accidents, as well as many others that are truly numerous, can result in extremely dangerous injuries and ultimately death. Unfortunately, things like this happen very often, and even every fifth construction worker dies on the job.

If you are injured or a loved one has been killed, it is important to seek help. As soon as possible. Contact an experienced construction site accident attorney today to ensure your rights are protected. And you receive the full and fair recovery you deserve.

Warnings on the construction site

In order to make construction sites at least a little safer for workers, there must be protective fences, borders, workers must wear equipment that protects them.

If the regulations exist and any damage occurs, including serious injuries, the worker or the construction crew who did not comply with the safety measures is responsible.

If these measures do not exist, of course, the situation regarding compensation changes accordingly.

How to make accident report in construction? Check out HERE.

Contact us!

Rules and regulations vary from state to state. For this reason, ask for advice and all other information from a lawyer who will greatly ease your legal burden. Nedim Ramic and Bajric & Ramic team of attorneys are here for you, and you should not hesitate to call us today for a free consultation. The time is of the esence. If you find these information above useful, but you have more questions regarding the subject, or you just need legal help straight forward, give us a call on 314-352-6800  and get free consultations today!

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