Mistakes After a Car Accident

Car Accident St. Louis

People make mistakes. We are not perfect. We make mistakes when dealing with unfamiliar situations. Fortunately, most of us do not have to deal with Car Accidents on a daily basis. That is also fortunate for Insurance Companies. They like to use that fact and wrap up your injury settlement in as little time as possible for the minimum amount of money. Before you had time to consult with an attorney. Here are a few mistakes that you can avoid after a car accident in Missouri.

  • Make sure you get a Police report. Sometimes, the at-fault driver will say “Oh let’s not bother the police, I have car insurance and they will pay you for everything.” You call his insurance company and it turns out he gave them a totally different version as to what happened. So make sure you call the police and file a police report.
  • Try to get info from witnesses at the scene. For the same reason you are getting a police report made, getting info from witnesses may turn out to be crucial. Do not assume the police will do that for you and put it in the police report.
  • Not getting treatment for injuries. If you are injured, do not suffer in silence. Get the medical care you need and get it ASAP. Insurance companies love people that suffer in silence.
  • Do not give a recorded statement to the insurance company. They may try to coerce you, and sometimes you may be obligated by the policy language to do so, however, you NEVER have to do that with the other party’s insurance company. Yeah, they say that they are only doing it to help you and yeah they say it is mandatory, do not fall for it. The only reason they are doing it is to find reasons to minimize or deny your claim.
  • Do not settle too quickly. Make sure you are aware of the full extent of your injuries, all the medical bills that are outstanding, and all the liens that you may owe on those medical bills.

I hope this information will assist you if you are ever involved in a car accident in St. Louis, Missouri. If you need additional information or have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our lawyers at Bajric & Ramic Law Office at 314-352-6800. At Bajric & Ramic Law Office, our lawyers offer experienced legal representation to car accident victims and their families.

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