Mistakes When Seeing a Doctor After a Car Accident

Mistakes After a Car Accident

Mistakes people make when seeing their doctor after a car accident.

Today I want to talk to you about the mistakes after a car accident when they seeing their doctors.

I’ve been doing this a long time and I have seen people innocently ruin their case because they don’t know how to interact with treating physician.

Their doctor after a car accident.

Read about: Top 5 Reasons Why Car Accidents Happen

Keep in Mind

One thing to keep in mind is:

that everything you say to your doctor is gonna written down and everything that’s written down insurance companies, you know will most likely see as well.

Read about: How Car Accident Claims Work

So how you come across in those records is going to reflect on the value of your case.

So there are, you know I’m going to shoot a video for each one of the mistakes that people make.

There’s about nine or ten of them, but there are three overriding things that need to be said. Before we go into those.

And three things that you have to keep in mind when dealing with your treating physicians are:

Number One

Be honest with them.

Don’t lie to them.

Don’t try to make your, you know, issues bigger than they really are because it does come across in your medical records and the doctor will even note that, that you’re faking it.

Watch out for that.

Number Two

Keep your appointments. If I could get a dollar for every time the insurance company has told me:

„Hey Nedim how bad could your client have been injured?

Because they were missing two, three, four appointments out of six for physical therapy, therefore, I’m thinking they couldn’t have been injured“.

So the most important thing is to keep your appointments with those doctors.

Number Three

Don’t let, litigation, don’t the claims process drive your medical care.

If you have reached maximum medical improvement, if you’re feeling better,

if you don’t have any lingering issues, don’t make another appointment with the doctor,

just to be talking to him so you can pad the file.

It’s going to come across to a jury if we have to try that case they can see trough that stuff.

Those are the three most important things to keep in mind and this is I said 9 or ten videos will follow after this and we’ll take about each individual mistake that people make.

Did you know that automobile accidents are the leading cause of death among healthy U.S. citizens?

Read more about it here: Car Accident Statistics in The U.S. – 2019 (Infographic)

Stay tuned, and you have yourself a good day.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office

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