The Accident Scene

I have seen it so many times, after a car accident in St. Louis Missouri, in particular with non-English speaking clients, that they get taken advantage of. It starts at the accident scene. Obviously, most people are shaken up, they are not thinking clearly right after the crash. However, it is very important to take certain steps in order to ensure that you get a fair outcome after your car accident.
If you are seriously hurt there is not a whole lot that you can do but seek the necessary medical care. However, if you are able, you should attempt to gather important information at the scene of an accident.

If you are involved in an accident, the first thing is to remain calm, get to a safe place, check for injuries, administer first aid if qualified, and call the police and/or emergency medical services. DO NOT say that it was your fault and “my insurance company will pay for everything,” or that “it’s OK, I have full coverage.” Also, while at the scene try to get as much information as possible, take pictures, cooperate with the police, and tell them what you know. Be courteous with the police.

Try to get the following information; Date/Day/Time of the accident, weather and road conditions, location of the accident, and details as to how the accident occurred. Other driver/vehicle information, their name, address, phone number and e-mail address, driver’s license number, make and model of the car, registration, insurance company information (Name, Policy number). If the other driver is driving a company vehicle, get the name of the company, address, phone number etc.

Seek out others involved in the accident as they may serve as witnesses later on. Any passengers in your or the other driver’s vehicle. Get their names, addresses, home phones, cell phones, work phones. Try to get them to give you a statement of their observations. Also, try to get the information of the police officer, his name, department, phone number, badge number, and the accident report number.
Photographs. Take photographs of the damage to your vehicle, the other drivers’ vehicle, outside as well as inside. Take pictures of the scene of the accident, including any signs and traffic lights. If possible, try to get somebody to photograph your injuries. Further, try to sketch the accident scene and how you believe the accident occurred.

I hope this information will assist you if you are ever involved in a car accident in St. Louis, Missouri. If you need additional information or have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our lawyers at Bajric & Ramic Law Office at 314-352-6800. At Bajric & Ramic Law Office, our lawyers offer experienced legal representation to car accident victims and their families.

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