Author Archives: Almira Bajrić

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Can you reopen a personal injury case?

Personal injury cases can have a significant impact on an individual’s life. And the outcome of a case can greatly affect their ability to move forward after an injury. In some cases, however, the original outcome of the case may not be satisfactory to the…

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What personal injury lawyers actually do for clients?

Personal injury lawyers are legal professionals who specialize in representing clients who have been injured due to the negligence of others. They provide legal representation. And assistance to clients in a wide range of personal injury cases. Including car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice,…

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When to call a personal injury lawyer: All you need to know

Personal injuries sustained can be very worrying and frightening. In addition to making an effort to recover mentally and physically as soon as possible, you also need to think carefully about whether you need a personal injury lawyer. If you are wondering if and when…

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How long does a personal injury lawsuit take?

The length of a personal injury lawsuit can vary greatly and depends on several factors such as the complexity of the case, the jurisdiction, the cooperation of parties involved, and the availability of court resources. Do you know long does a personal injury lawsuit take?…

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What is personal injury protection and how it works?

Personal injury protection is a type of car insurance that provides coverage for medical expenses. And lost wages in the event of an automobile accident. PIP is also commonly referred to as “no-fault” insurance. As it provides coverage regardless of who is determined to be…

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Can I switch a lawyer in a personal injury case?

When you are dealing with a personal injury case in court, you might want to change your lawyer. If you are reading this text right now, you are probably already wondering how and in what way to do exactly that. Can you change your personal…

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