Can I switch a lawyer in a personal injury case?

When you are dealing with a personal injury case in court, you might want to change your lawyer. If you are reading this text right now, you are probably already wondering how and in what way to do exactly that.

Can you change your personal injury lawyer?

The answer to that is of course you can. In most cases, you can change your personal injury lawyer and you have the right to choose which lawyer you want to represent you. So, if you change your mind about who you want to be your lawyer, you can always change and find another one. There are some restrictions on your right to change lawyers that you should be aware of and this may also depend on the stage of your case.

Why do people change lawyers in case of personal injury?

There are several reasons. Most people feel that something is just not right with their case. These are some of the reasons people choose to change lawyers:

  • The lawyer’s strategy makes no sense,
  • They seem to have no strategy at all,
  • The lawyer does not return calls or e-mails,
  • Your case seems to be going nowhere,
  • You want to go one way in the case and your lawyer insists on another,
  • You want to understand the legal process, but your lawyer doesn’t seem interested in explaining,
  • The lawyer is pressuring you to accept a settlement that you do not agree with,
  • lack of trust,
  • Instinctively bad feeling…

Find a new lawyer before you fire your current one

  • If you are involved in ongoing litigation, do not fire your current attorney until you find another.
  • If your trial date is approaching, it will take time for the new attorney to become familiar with your case.
  • The court may have already made a decision excluding evidence relevant to your claims.
  • Your attorney may not have obtained the evidence necessary to win your case. Your existing attorney’s failure to obtain this information in a timely manner may prevent the new attorney from thoroughly investigating the case.
  • Because of the obstacles a new attorney may face when taking on your case, it is important that you arrange for a new attorney to take over the work. It is never a good idea to be without a lawyer while your case is pending.


Why hire us?

During all these years we have had many clients who came to us changing their existing lawyers with us. In such cases, we tried our best to help them and take over the case as best as possible with all the necessary information, of course.

If you have been injured and need legal representation, call us for a free consultation. We have years of experience helping injury victims. We will review the details of your case to determine how we can best help.

How long does a personal injury lawsuit take? Check HERE.

Nedim Ramic and Bajric & Ramic team of attorneys are here for you. And you should not hesitate to call us today for a free consultation. The time is of the esence. If you find these information above useful, but you have more questions regarding the subject. Or you just need legal help straight forward, give us a call. On 314-352-6800 and get free consultations today!

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