Can You Sue a Car Manufacturer For an Accident?

Car accidents can be devastating, resulting in physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial loss. In some cases, the cause of the accident may be attributed to a defect in the car itself. This raises the question: can you sue a car manufacturer for an accident? The answer is yes, under certain circumstances.

Understanding Product Liability

Product liability is a legal concept that holds manufacturers and sellers responsible for producing and distributing products that are defective or dangerous. In the case of a car accident, if the accident was caused by a defect in the car, the car manufacturer may be held liable for any resulting injuries or damages.

Types of Defects

There are two types of defects that may give rise to a product liability claim: design defects and manufacturing defects. A design defect is a flaw in the car’s design that makes it inherently dangerous, while a manufacturing defect is a problem that occurs during the manufacturing process that makes the car dangerous.

Examples of design defects could include faulty brakes, inadequate seat belts, or unstable steering. Manufacturing defects could include improperly installed airbags, cracked or broken parts, or faulty wiring.

Proving Product Liability

To successfully sue a car manufacturer for an accident, the plaintiff (the person bringing the lawsuit) must prove several elements of product liability. First, they must show that the car was defective in some way. Second, they must show that the defect caused the accident and resulting injuries or damages. Finally, they must show that they suffered harm as a result of the accident.

This can be a difficult burden of proof, requiring expert testimony and evidence to support the claim. It’s important to work with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help gather and present this evidence.

Statute of Limitations

It’s also important to be aware of the statute of limitations when considering a product liability claim against a car manufacturer. The statute of limitations is the deadline for filing a lawsuit, and it varies by state. In general, the deadline is within a few years of the date of the accident, so it’s important to act quickly to preserve your rights.


If you have been injured in a car accident and believe that the car itself was defective in some way, you may have grounds for a product liability claim against the car manufacturer. However, proving product liability can be challenging, so it’s important to work with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide you through the process.

Remember to act quickly to preserve your rights, as the statute of limitations can be relatively short. With the right legal guidance, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, and other damages caused by the accident.

Contact us!

Nedim Ramic and Bajric & Ramic team of attorneys are here for you. And you should not hesitate to call us today for a free consultation. The time is of the esence. If you find these information above useful, but you have more questions regarding the subject. Or you just need legal help straight forward, give us a call. On 314-352-6800 and get free consultations today!

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