Prepare Yourself For Driving in Winter Season

Our Law Office has taken care of many car accident cases, as we are one of the best car accident law firms in St. Louis Missouri. During that time we came across many different situations. We want to give you some advices about driving in winter season. That’s because many people lost their lives not paying attention about their driving speed or winter equipment.

Here are few advices on how to prepare yourself for driving in winter season!

A must have winter driving equipment

When temperature drops during the cold winter days, summer tires lose their effectiveness. The chance of stoping your vehicle with summer tires on time is significaly decreased. That’s why you should always have a spare set of winter tires. They are specially manufactured to stand against low temperatures and provide a good grip.

One more advice, don’t save your money on tires – You should buy the best ones if you can afford them.

Hold a safe distance and adjust your driving speed

If you see a traffic sign showing 60 miles per hour, you must know that in winter conditions you must drive at least 10 miles per hour slower. Some say even more than that.

Why is that?

That is because you never know what can happen on the road. You must count on stopping at the right time. Same counts for braking. If you hit a hard brake on a snowy road you might get yourself a car that is sliding on its own. If that happens, you’re out of control and accident is inevitable.

Don’t make a sudden step on the brake!

This one is pretty short – Don’t make a hard hit on the brake, just don’t!

Asking why? As we already mentioned, a hard hit on the brake makes you a sliding iceberg. In that case you’re in big trouble. Many deathful cases are registered where drivers hit a hard brake on a icy road and they ended up 10 feet under.

If you want to know more about why people end up dead in winter car accidents, read our article: Reasons for Frequent Car Accidents During the Winter

Dont’ make sudden turns with your steering wheel

If you turn your steering wheel too sudden and sharp, you might end up losing control over your vehicle and putting your life in serious danger.

Tip: Listen the radio or look at the weather app on your phone, maybe even look at the news on the TV to inform about the road conditions.

Want to prepare yourself even more for driving in winter season? Read our article: Necessary Car Winter Equipment When Driving Long Distances

That’s it for now! Hope you’ll find these advices useful. Stay safe.

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