How often do accidents occur in construction?

Do you know how often accidents occur in construction? Workers who work on the construction site are exposed to various dangers every day, which can be dangerous to their lives and end fatally. From falls from roofs, to the impact of heavy objects, electric shocks, etc., to the inhalation of silicon dust and materials that can cause cancer and other dangerous diseases. More than 20% of all fatal accidents occurred in the construction industry, and in 2014, more than 874 construction workers died on the job.

This type of accident is so common that at least all workers have experienced or witnessed such an injury at least once.

Compensation for injury at work on the construction site

In most cases, this kind of thing is taken for granted, and in the event of an injury on the building, serious injuries occur that must be compensated. Insurance companies will of course play their game as always. But the injured person should take care to gather evidence in order to be able to receive compensation. If the injured person is unable to communicate and fight for his rights. It is certainly very important to contact a lawyer who will fight on behalf of the injured person.

Do you know what the dangers are on the construction site?

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, every fifth worker on the construction site dies as a result of an accident at work. Therefore, this work, i.e. construction, is very dangerous. Construction workers are, unfortunately, exposed to a large extent to dangers that can cost them their lives. In the rest of the text, we list some of the main dangers that construction workers face.

Falling from a great height

When it comes to construction, one of the most dangerous and common injuries in such work is a fall from a height. This is a very common injury that unfortunately ends in death in most cases.

Impacts with construction objects or equipment

There are various dangers on the construction site and workers must always be extremely careful. Collapsing, overturning of materials and construction equipment, impact with high objects. Cuts and standing injuries that can tear off the control and thus crush a part of the body or, in the worst case, kill the worker.

Risk of electric shock

These types of accidents also very often end in death. If part of the equipment comes into contact with a live object, if the machine breaks down or if water reaches the electricity, these things can be dangerous for both the individual and the collective. Considering that working with electricity is unpredictable, especially if you are working on a building, cables are everywhere, just like other machines. And workers can never be safe and careful enough because the danger of electric shock threatens everywhere.

What safety measures can workers and employers take?

This type of workplace is very dangerous for life in general, and it is not unusual to hear that someone was injured or lost their life in this particular job. Although workers can never be completely protected because the work itself is very risky, there are some measures you can take to prevent more serious injuries in some cases.

Some of the precautions are as follows

  • Always wear protective equipment that can protect you from bumps and cuts.
  • Work in such a way that you always have a colleague behind you who will see you and come to your aid.
  • After every two hours of this hard work, take a break and be sure to drink a lot of water.
  • Keep your workplace clean and clear to protect yourself from slips, power cords and sharp objects.
  • Before starting work, be sure to inspect the workplace to make sure it is safe to work.
  • Construction is a very difficult and demanding job, so workers should always wear helmets, safety belts, etc., so as not to get into even more trouble.
  • Workers should strictly avoid places that are risky and from which something could fall on them such as bricks or steel objects.
  • It is very important that the worker wears protective glasses.
  • Loose clothing should be avoided by construction workers.

How to make accidents report in construction? Check out HERE.

Contact us!

Rules and regulations vary from state to state. For this reason, ask for advice and all other information from a lawyer who will greatly ease your legal burden. Nedim Ramic and Bajric & Ramic team of attorneys are here for you, and you should not hesitate to call us today for a free consultation. The time is of the esence. If you find these information above useful, but you have more questions regarding the subject, or you just need legal help straight forward, give us a call on 314-352-6800 and get free consultations today!

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