Let’s Respect Traffic Regulations

Every time you are behind the wheel and sitting in the comfort of your seat, you risk a lot. However, in order to make your ride as comfortable and safe as possible, with as few risks and unpredictable situations as possible, it is worth applying preventive measures. Every day, 3,500 people die in road accidents around the world. Young people are particularly affected, as car accidents are the leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 29. This is an alarming trend that needs to be stopped as soon as possible, a human, economic and social cost that has become unacceptable. Statistics show that the human factor has a direct impact on 90% of traffic accidents. With this text, we want to emphasize short messages about simple actions that take only a few moments, and which can save lives, as well as the main risk factors that can lead to traffic accidents with severe and fatal consequences.

Seat belt use

The use of seat belts is of significant importance for both drivers and other occupants of the vehicle. Proper use of seat belts reduces the risk of mortality of drivers and co-drivers involved in traffic accidents by 45-50%. At that moment, the driver hit the steering wheel with an inertial force, and the co-driver hit the work surface and both suffered life-threatening injuries. Seat belts are a basic element for protecting the health and safety of drivers and passengers in the car. Unfortunately, most drivers forget that seat belts wear out over time and thus become less effective. There is a possibility of mechanical tensioners being damaged, and in cars with pyrotechnic tensioners, even if no detonation has occurred, there is a possibility that other parts of the safety system have been damaged and need to be checked regularly.


Reducing the average speed by 5% would result in a 30% reduction in the number of fatal accidents. Speed is always a potential danger! The consequences of driving at inappropriate speeds often end in traffic accidents. Accidents result in tragedies (personal, social, material, environmental () casualties, deaths, injuries, traumas, disabilities… Accidents are followed by: statistics, litigation, sanctions… Given that speed management is correlated with traffic accidents, on speed management should be active. Of particular importance is the fact that the driver is aware that he is the one who assesses the road conditions and makes decisions about how to act. The driver manages the risk by driving at a speed adapted to the conditions in the environment in which he is driving. Driving speed and respecting restrictions and traffic signs is key to saving lives in traffic.

Traffic signs

Traffic rules are a series of regulations. Unique rules, which regulate the behaviour of traffic participants in order for traffic to run safely and smoothly. Among other things, resolve various possible conflict situations in traffic on the roads, which may arise among traffic participants, e.g. in a situation where the priority of the passage of traffic participants at the intersection is resolved. Without traffic rules and without centralized management and regulation of road traffic, which is characterized by a mass of participants, traffic could not function safely. The organization of the movement of traffic participants by means of traffic rules includes all conditions and situations of movement.

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