Medical Malpractice Payouts By State

Do you want to know about medical malpractice payouts by state? When you visit a medical institution, the first thing you expect from the staff is to help you and be kind to you. Also, that they are at your service and that you fully trust them in terms of care and expertise. If you encounter negligence in such institutions that can harm you and your life, then you can sue the staff of the institution for medical malpractice. The damage you experience at that moment and in that institution is usually the result of pure negligence, work errors and omissions.

What is medical malpractice? Chech it HERE.

What does medical malpractice require by law?

  • If a healthcare worker violates recognized laws that any other reasonable worker would do correctly in accordance with conscience and then with the law.
  • The carelessness of the healthcare worker causes an injury that was not present when the patient arrived.
  • If the patient has significant injuries and consequences caused by the carelessness of the healthcare professional.
  • If the patient has pain, mental and physical suffering, difficulties and huge medical bills due to the negligence of the health care staff.

Lawsuits due to medical malpractice can also arise from the following examples

  • A misdiagnosis due to which the existing disease was neglected and advanced.
  • Ignoring the results or misinterpreting the results
  • An operation was performed that was not necessary at all
  • Errors in operations such as operations on the wrong part of the body
  • Bad treatment and premature discharge from the hospital
  • Incorrect data on the patient’s medical history and failure to perform certain tests

Everything About Medical Treatment And Medical Bills you can find HERE.

Abuse is a word no doctor wants to hear

If a patient who came to your institution suffers a certain type of damage due to negligence in the provision of services, he has the right to sue you. Also, that patient is entitled to monetary compensation. In that case, the patient must have evidence for his case, and doctors and other staff will be given the chance to defend themselves. Even if you know the claim is unwarranted and untrue, it can be a scary experience for the doctor.

In 2018, more than four billion dollars were paid out in medical malpractice lawsuits. Across all malpractice allegations, the average lawsuit paid out $348,065 to the affected patient (or their family).

Malpractice payouts vary by region

According to the National Practitioner Data Bank, $38.5 billion was paid out in medical malpractice lawsuits in the 10-year period from 2009 to 2018. Some states paid much more than others.

New York State topped the list with total payouts of $7.025 billion over a ten-year period. The second highest payer is Pennsylvania, with a total of $3.416 billion.

The following states round out the list of ten states with the highest medical malpractice payouts:

  • Florida: $2.488 billion
  • New Jersey: $2.479 billion
  • California: $2.453 billion
  • Illinois: $2.291 billion
  • Massachusetts: $1.612 billion
  • Georgia: $1.097 billion
  • Maryland: $993.1 million
  • Texas: $945.9 million

The ten states with the lowest total payouts are as follows:

  • North Dakota: $28.3 million
  • Vermont: $44.7 million
  • Wyoming: $51.9 million
  • South Dakota: $60.1 million
  • Alaska: $76.1 million
  • Delaware: $103.3 million
  • Montana: $119.6 million
  • Idaho: $120.3 million
  • District of Columbia: $121.3 million
  • Nebraska: $135.3 million

Only six states in the US impose caps and limits on the amount of monetary damages awarded for malpractice. Those states are Colorado, Indiana, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Mexico and Virginia.

Twenty states have no limits on the amount awarded in a malpractice action.

Medical malpractice statute of limitations check HERE.

Nedim Ramic and Bajric & Ramic team of attorneys are here for you, and you should not hesitate to call us today for a free consultation. The time is of the esence. If you find these information above useful, but you have more questions regarding the subject, or you just need legal help straight forward, give us a call on 314-352-6800 and get free consultations today!

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