Mistakes that people make after they’re involved in the car accident and when dealing with their doctors.
Mistake number one is to wait and seek medical care for a couple of weeks.
If you’re involved in a car accident and you don’t feel right you’re hurt, don’t call your lawyer from the accident scene, call an ambulance, have been taken to hospital and get to check out.
So many times I have had adjusters and attorneys from the other side tell me: „Hey Nedim, your client could not have injured that bad, they waited two or three weeks to seek medical care.“
That gap in treatment could very, very detrimental to your case.
The logic behind it is if you are injured and if you’re hurt, what do you do?
Obviously, you seek medical care, right, you don’t wait, you don’t tough it out, you go talk to a doctor and they’re going to give you the proper medical care that you need.
People that are trying to tough it out, and there are so many of us out there, they’re saying like „oh man I know my neck hurts a little bit, but you know it’s gonna get better tomorrow, I’ll just take some Ibuprofen, some Advil, and it’s gonna get better.
Don’t do that! If you are hurt, go to the doctor immediately, get checked out, and they’re gonna tell you what you need to do.
That proves your injuries right from the offset, and you know kind of prevents the other side insurance company arguing that there was some intervening, something in between the accident and then you first went to the doctor that caused you to then finally go to the doctor.
Mistake number one is waiting to seek medical treatment after a car accident.
Don’t do that! If you are hurt, go get medical care.
Thank you and you have a good day.
If you have any questions call me 314-352-6800
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