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Missouri Dog Bite Laws

What is the dog bite law and how is it treated by law? First of all, the laws governing this, and which confirm the owner’s liability for bites and other injuries that a dog can cause, differ from state to state. Essentially, there are two…

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What is medical malpractice?

Wondering what medical malpractice is? This happens when one or more healthcare professionals neglect their work. More specifically, when a healthcare worker neglects his duties to provide assistance and treats the patient substandardly, which can cause minor and major consequences and ultimately death. Negligence as…

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Medical malpractice lawsuit

What means medical malpractice lawsuit? Due to negligent treatment, lawsuits arise because the patient suffers a certain type of damage from health care providers who did not perform their duties correctly. Of course, each state has different rules when it comes to the process of…

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Medical Malpractice Payouts By State

Do you want to know about medical malpractice payouts by state? When you visit a medical institution, the first thing you expect from the staff is to help you and be kind to you. Also, that they are at your service and that you fully…

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What Happens When a Truck Driver Has An Accident?

What happens when a truck driver has an accident and what’s the consequences? Truck accidents are among the most dangerous accidents that can happen on the road. Most often they happen by mistake of the truck driver, however, there can be many other reasons why…

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Do truck drivers get fired for accidents?

Wondering if truck drivers get fired for accidents? Truck accidents happen very often and can be life threatening. Commercial trucks, tank trucks, dump trucks and other large trucks carry heavy loads. Therefore, they are much heavier than other vehicles on the road. Due to its…

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