Should You Talk to Police After a Car Accident in St. Louis, MO?

What do I need to disclose to the police when they arrive at the scene?!

However, the law does require you to provide your license, registration, and insurance information at the scene. Whatever you decide to do, one piece of advice I’m gonna give you is just be nice. Don’t be, you know what, don’t be rude because it’s not gonna get you anywhere with the police officer. The wisdom of talking to the police depends on the situation. Obviously, if you know you’ve been drinking you may elect not to talk to police after a car accident in St. Louis, MO. On the other hand, if you’re involved in a rear-end-collision where you’re the front vehicle. And there’s really no danger in talking to the police and obviously you have not been drinking. My piece of advice would be, yeah tell the officers what happened, who you are, and how the accident occurred. Some states have implied consent laws that if the officer suspects that you’ve been drinking they can require you to submit to a breathalyzer. And they may even draw your blood. In some circumstances it really doesn’t matter if you’ve been rear-ended, always call the police.

Issues in talking to the police in St. Louis, MO

One of the issues in talking to the police, people sometimes say inadvertently things that they probably shouldn’t. And later on, the insurance company tries to use that against our clients. So, the silent path is not always well received by the police officers. They may be a bit aggravated if you do refuse to answer their questions. However, if you do it in a polite way they may just go along with it. If you do decide to answer some questions be mindful of what you say keep it short let the officer know the facts don’t insert any, “yep my fault”. Or any of those things “yep, I ran a red light” or anything along those lines. Let them decide. Give them the facts as you know them and let the police officers draw their own conclusions.

While you do not have to talk to the police officer at the scene, you do have to provide them with the necessary information as I mentioned, and then the rest is up to you. Also, your actions will obviously depend on the facts and circumstances off each collision. If you have any questions visit our car accident and personal injury resources.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office

Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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