The Most Common Causes of Traffic Accidents

One of the biggest harmful consequences that happen in traffic is traffic accidents. A traffic accident is an accident that started or happened on the road. In which at least one vehicle was in motion, one person was injured, injured or greater or lesser material damage was caused. When defining a traffic accident. It should be clearly noted that a traffic accident is not when a tractor, working machine, harness vehicle that is performing work and moving in the fields overturns. Or hits a natural obstacle, and another vehicle did not participate and when another vehicle was not caused too bad. Also, a traffic accident is not if material damage occurs and if the person who was driving a sports car on the race track for vehicles is injured. In the text, we will list some of the most common causes of traffic accidents:

Fatigue and Drowsiness

Situations in which the driver falls asleep behind the wheel account for as many as 7 per cent of accidents, of which 21 per cent with a fatal outcome. Never drive tired. Fatigue predominates as the cause of traffic accidents with the most severe consequences. Tired drivers make mistakes that are not the result of ignorance but poor concentration and drowsiness. To avoid a bad driving outcome, we recommend that you do not sit behind the wheel when you are tired and sleep deprived. Also, a tired driver should take breaks as often as possible. Every car should have at least one bottle of water and some candy. Which raises the driver’s concentration in moments of fatigue.


Fast driving and driving under the influence of alcohol

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a common cause of traffic accidents, especially on weekends and during major holidays. Driving under the influence of alcohol must be absolutely avoided. If you are planning to travel to a celebration, plan in advance who will bring you home. A little better organization can save more lives. Also, unadjusted driving speed can be very devastating in the event of a car accident. Then the consequences are more drastic. In addition to the prescribed speed, road conditions such as works, landslides and narrowings should be kept in mind. And the driver must always be maximally concentrated.



Unintentional crossing into the adjacent lane is responsible for 30% of traffic accidents. Using a mobile phone while driving or playing with car settings can be very expensive, so always keep an eye on the road. Although it is forbidden to use mobile phones while driving, it is a habit that is very difficult to change. An association between mobile phone use while driving and an increased number of accidents has been established. The advice is to turn off the phones and put them aside during and before driving so that calls and messages do not distract drivers.

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