What is product liability?

The Product Liability Act is actually a set of rules that relate to liability for the manufacture and sale of dangerous products. Given that the danger of selling defective products has increased significantly in recent years, below we will try to explain exactly what this law refers to.

Product liability refers to the responsibility of the manufacturer for placing a defective product in the hands of the consumer. This law requires that the product meet the normal expectations of consumers. When a product has an unexpected defect or danger, it does not meet expectations and, in addition, endangers the consumer’s life.


Who is responsible for product defects?

In order to be responsible for a product at all, that product must be on the market, more precisely, be on sale. Must have a contractual relationship.
Responsibility for product failure can lie with any party in the product distribution chain, such as:

  • Product manufacturer;
  • The party that assembles or installs the product;
  • Manufacturer of component parts;
  • Wholesaler;
  • The retail store that sold the product to the consumer.

Negligence in selling

Another theory of product liability is negligence. According to the theory of negligence, the company either failed to do something it should have done or did something it should not have done.

A negligent party can be anyone in the company, including the designer, manufacturer, distributor or seller.

Everyone in this distribution chain has a duty to exercise reasonable care. Attention must be shown to anyone who is likely to be injured by the product.

Contact us!

Nedim Ramic and Bajric & Ramic team of attorneys are here for you. And you should not hesitate to call us today for a free consultation. The time is of the esence. If you find these information above useful, but you have more questions regarding the subject. Or you just need legal help straight forward, give us a call. On 314-352-6800 and get free consultations today!

Do you know what is product liability insurance? Check HERE.

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