What is wrongful death?

When a death happens in the family, especially if it happens suddenly, apart from that great tragedy, it can really bring a lot of suffering among family and friends. Also, depending on the accident and especially if it was caused by someone else’s negligence. It can bring a lot of financial loss. Do you know what is wrongful death?

Wrongful deaths occur under various circumstances and situations. And among the most common are the following, which we list in the rest of the text.

What is wrongful death lawsuit and how to deal with that? Check HERE.


Car accidents

When it comes to wrongful death, traffic accidents are the most common cause of these types of tragedies. These accidents lead to thousands of deaths every year.

The cause of such deaths and traffic accidents are driver negligence, speeding, inattention on the road. And driving under the influence of opiates and other conditions. A negligent driver can be responsible for the death of anyone else involved in the accident. Including other drivers and passengers.

If the accident occurs due to a problem related to the road works or a damaged part of the road, the city and the contractors may be held responsible.

Medical error

All medical staff working there must be highly educated and professional. However, their frequent mistakes can be fatal to the patient’s life. This can happen due to an unintentional omission, haste, fatigue and tension, even due to inexperience and lack of experience. And unfortunately, it also happens due to negligence. Errors during surgery and treatment are also common causes of wrongful death in the medical field.

Accidents at work

Manual and construction workers tend to be the most exposed to life-threatening hazards and have significantly more fatal accidents than any other occupation. However, wrongful death can happen in the office. And at any other job if the employer puts the worker in a life-threatening situation.

Defective products on sale

If a person buys a defective product that he uses, such as some pharmaceutical products, or even spoiled food and items intended for children – wrongful deaths can happen. This category also includes cars and other types of vehicles that the owner sells and someone else suffers from it.

Pedestrian accidents

Pedestrians have no protection and when they cross the street or walk normally on the sidewalk, they usually rely on conscientious drivers to respect and protect them. However, careless drivers are very often the cause of pedestrian deaths. In addition to careless drivers, the cause of pedestrian deaths can also be an incorrectly constructed footpath or road works that prevent drivers from seeing pedestrians.

Drowning/boating accidents

These types of drowning accidents can happen in the yard of a family home, at the home of a friend or relative, or in a city swimming pool. If the pool is not insured, when an accident like this happens, the owner of the pool could be at fault for the drowning.

Also when driving a boat, an ill-advised driver could be responsible for the death of those riding with him, and if the boat is not insured even though he was conscientious, he can be sued for wrongful death.

Contact us!

Nedim Ramic and Bajric & Ramic team of attorneys are here for you. And you should not hesitate to call us today for a free consultation. The time is of the esence. If you find these information above useful, but you have more questions regarding the subject. Or you just need legal help straight forward, give us a call. On 314-352-6800 and get free consultations today!

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