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Zadržati auto koje je proglašeno totalnom štetom nakon auto udesa?

Kada je u pitanju totalna šteta, zadržati auto možete, međutim ne može se dobiti vrijednost koje osiguranje procijeni. Primjer: osiguranje procijeni auto na 10.000, ako želimo zadržati auto, osiguranje će oduzeti 1000 dolara. Zašto? Iz razloga što je to auto vrijedno 1000 dolara u dijelovima,…

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Loss of Use Claim After a Car Accident

Can I Claim a loss of use from my vehicle if it is damaged in a car accident? An example of this is if you have been damaged after a car accident by the truck, van or car you use for work. The answer to…

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Can I Keep a Car Even if it is Total Loss?

The answer is yes, you can keep a car even ti's total loss. However, you will not receive full value for it. Basically, the insurance company will keep, retain the salvage value of the vehicle. What is that mean? Let's assume, you are rear-ended, and…

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Property Damage After a Car Accident

That is one of the first things that will get resolved, once you've been involved in a car accident. There are few things to consider when it comes to property damage after a car accident. The insurance company for the at-fault driver, they'll usually reimburse…

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Medical Experts in Car Accident Cases

Medical Experts are very important when it comes to car accident cases. They are not cheap by any means, but in most instances, they help us understand then pinpoint the injuries that clients suffered. And they can pinpoint causation our clients were injured through the…

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How Car Accident Claims Work?

Car Accident Claims If you’re making a vehicle damage claim or a claim for injury, here’s how to get the most from your settlement. If you have been involved in a car accident, you may be wondering how to best proceed with settling a vehicle…

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Will Car Accident Affect Insurance Rates?

Once the dust settles after a car accident, you may wonder how it’ll affect your car insurance rates. Every situation is unique. We’ll give you a better understanding of when and why your premium may or may not go up. Insurance Rates increases after a…

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What To Do When a Car Accident is Not Your Fault?

A car accident can happen anyone at any time: Going to work, hold a warm cup of coffee in one hand. Suddenly you hear creaking of steel as your neck jerks back and forth. But it's not your fault. The driver behind you hit the…

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Difference Between Car Accident and Collision?!

The short answer: No. A car accident and collision aren’t the same. Collision implies there’s no one to blame whereas accident can imply that someone is at fault. This is a bit subjective though and it really depends on who you talk to. It may…

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Can I get a loss of use from my vehicle if it is damaged in a car accident?

An example of this loss of use is if you have been damaged after a car accident by the truck, van or car you use for work. The answer is that you are entitled to insurance compensation from your insurance company. Example - Loss of…

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What about property damage after a car accident?

That is one of the first things that will get resolved. There are few things to consider when it comes about property damage aspect. The insurance company for the at-fault driver, they'll usually reimburse you for the reasonable value of that same vehicle. What is…

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Federalni ERISA zakon i auto udesi

Ponekad se susrećemo sa ovim problemom, gdje privatna zdravstvena osiguranja imaju pravo da dobiju neku naknadu nakon što ste vi dobili vaš novac od auto osiguranja. Iako Missouri, kao država ne dozvoljava zdravstvenim osiguranjima da dobiju novac nazad za medicinske troškove koje su platili, vezano…

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ERISA Law and Car Accidents

Missouri generally speaking does not allow reimbursement rights to private health insurance plans. What is ERISA law? Federal law preempts state law and there is it's called ERISA Law and Car Accidents . Employee Retirement Income Security Act, basically, a federal law that governs these…

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Materijalna šteta auta nakon auto udesa

To je pitanje koje se često završi prvih par sedmica nakon auto udesa. Par stvari koje moramo imati u vidu. Recimo da osiguranje izađe da se proračuna materijalna šteta auta i kaže: „Totalna materijalna šteta auta i mi ga želimo isplatiti i mi vam nudimo…

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Gubitak upotrebe vozila nakon auto udesa!

Da li mogu dobiti gubitak upotrebe vozila ako je oštećeno nakon auto udesa? Primjer toga (gubitak upotrebe vozila) jeste, ako vam je oštećen nakon auto udesa kamion, kombi ili auto koje koristite za posao. Odgovor na to pitanje je da vi od osiguranja imate pravo…

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Injured on the Job in a Car Accident

We come across this situation quite often actually. Let's assume, you are on the job. And you are driving from scene to scene and you get involved in the car accident and injured on the job. What are your rights, what can you do? Actually,…

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Stvari koje trebate uraditi nakon auto udesa

Danas ćemo Vam navesti stvari koje trebate da uraditi odmah nakon što ste udes desi. Nekih 6 miliona udesa se desi ovdje u Americi godišnje. Većina njih ne prouzrokuje tjelesne ozljede, ali jedan od tri prouzorokuje iste. Tako da je veoma važno znati, šta uraditi…

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Things You Need to Do After a Car Accident

About 6 million car accidents occur in the US annually. Most of them are only property damages. But one in three actually do cause personal injuries. It is important to know, what to do as soon as the accident happens so you are prepared. Obviously,…

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How Much Does Insurance Go Up After an Accident

Probably, a better person to answer this question would be your insurance agent. However, trough my experience with these car accidents, pretty sure I can talk about it cause I've seen it all. What we have got to, kind of differentiate is at fault, meaning…

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Koliko će auto osiguranje poskupljati ako se desi udes

Da li će moje auto osiguranje poskupljati ako imam udes? Moramo razlikovati dvije vrste udesa; udes gdje ste vi krivi i gdje niste krivi. Oba idu preko vašeg auto osiguranja. Primjer 1: gdje ste vi krivi Statistički je dokazano da će se vaše osiguranje povećati…

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Car Accident and Police Reports

Today's topic is going to be car accidents and police reports. Even if you've never been in a car accident before, you may have heard of a police report. What is a police report? It's actually a report generated by a police officer who shows…

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Injured in an Uber or Lyft Vehicle

Today's topic is uber and lyft accident. Whose insurance applies if you are injured as a passenger in an uber or lyft accident? If you are rear-ended as a passenger in an uber or lyft vehicle, then obviously if the vehicle that caused the accident,…

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What If I Have Been Injured By a Drunk Driver

What are you entitled to if you are injured by a drunk driver in a car accident? Basically the steps are almost all the same, except when it comes to damages, there's an extra aspect to it. Those claims or lawsuits are usually worth a…

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Struck By a Hit And Run Driver As a Pedestrian

Today's topic is going to be whether or not you are covered under your own uninsured motorist policy if you are struck by another vehicle that is either left the scene or uninsured and you were the pedestrian. Unfortunately, these things happen, and I've handled…

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Phantom Vehicle Law in Missouri

Today's topic is an interesting one, and it is phantom vehicle law here in Missouri. Nothing is, I want to say nothing is worst, but few things are worst than being involved in a car accident. And one of those situations can be if the…

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What is a Deposition in a Car Accident Case

Today's topic is going to be deposition in a car accident case lawsuit. Depositions are part of the discovery phase in a lawsuit. The lawsuit is commenced once we file a petition and the second phase of the lawsuit is usually discovery. The first phase…

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Motorcycle Law in Missouri

Today's topic is actually going to be motorcycle law and accidents in the state of Missouri. We do mostly car accidents here at the office, but we also handle motorcycle accidents which are very similar but yet different from car accidents. Legally speaking do I…

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How Can I Prove That The Other Driver Was Texting And Driving

Can you prove someone was texting and driving when the car accident occurs? Yes. It is extremely difficult. There are two ways we can go about it Number one - cell phone records. You can petition to have a cell phone records used in your…

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Faktore koje razmatramo pri procjeni auto udesa u raskrsnici

Faktore koje razmatramo pri procjeni auto udesa u raskrsnici. Slijede faktori i zašto može biti teško dokazati odgovornost u sudarima u raskrsnicama. 1. Promjena priče - Ovo je moja omiljena. Vozač koji je kriv često negira odgovornost i mijenja činjenice kada ih saslušaju policija i…

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Ograničenje naplate za povrede u auto udesu ako nemate auto osiguranje

Zakon u Missouri-u ako vas neko ozlijedi u auto udesu, a vi nemate auto osiguranje. Ako upravljate motornim vozilom u saveznoj državi Missouri po zakonu morate da imate auto osiguranje na svom vozilu. Ako to nemate tada su veće posljedice za vozača koji nisu osigurani…

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Rear End Collision Factors We Consider In Evaluating Injury Cases

Rear end collision factors we consider in evaluating injury cases. Today we are going to talk about factors we consider in evaluating injury cases. Today's topic is the most common - the rear end collision. Rear end collisions are one of the most common types…

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Sudar otpozadi – Faktori koji advokati razmatraju u procjeni krivice

Faktori sudara otpozadi koji advokati razmatraju u procjeni slučajeva za tjelesne ozlijede. Danas ćemo razgovarati o faktorima koje razmatramo u procjeni slučajeva povreda. Današnja tema je najčešća - sudar otpozadi. Sudari otpozadi su najčešća vrsta automobilskih nesreća. Najčešće se događaju kada zaustavljeno vozilo čeka u…

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Notice of Claim And Injury Claims Against The Government

Today's topic is going to be Notice of a Claim or a Lawsuit and can a Government employee be sued after a car accident? The law in Missouri generally prevents you from suing government entities, however, there are a few exceptions. If a government employee…

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Rental Vehicle After Car Accident

Can I get a rental vehicle when my car is being repaired after an accident? This question arises right away after a car accident: Can I get a rental vehicle? In some instances, the damaged vehicle for the client isn't driveable or is not safe…

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Do I need to hire a lawyer if the accident was my fault?

Today's question is going to be about whether or not you need to hire a lawyer if it turns out that the accident was actually your fault. And the short answer is NO, you don't need to hire a lawyer because if you were insured…

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Can I get a rental vehicle if the shop needs time to schedule my repairs?

And today's question is going to be, can I get a rental vehicle after a car accident if the shop is unable to get my car in for a couple of weeks, a month and my car is actually drivable? The short answer is no,…

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Why won’t some doctors see patients if they were involved in a car accident?

Here's a good one. Got a call from a client that wants to see his physician after car accident. And he tells me, hey, my doctor won't see me after the car accident. What's up with that? Is that even legal to do? And this…

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Can I be held liable if I wave someobody to make a left turn in front of me and then they get hit?

Great topic today because it's happened to most likely all of us. So the question is, can I be held liable if I wave somebody to make a left turn in front of me and then they get hit by another vehicle in the lane…

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Seat Belt Defense in Car Accident Cases in Missouri

Today's topic is going to be seatbelt defense in car accident cases here in Missouri. So what does that really mean? Well, if you're involved in a car accident and the other driver is at fault, you are entitled to some compensation for your injuries.…

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The Accident Scene – What You Should And Shouldn’t Do?

After a Car Accident ( The Accident Scene) After a car accident, most people are shaken up and are not thinking clearly. Obviously, if you are,  here is not a whole lot you can do but seek the necessary emergency medical care. However, you should…

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