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Excluded Driver on a Car Insurance Policy

This past week, I had a client come in, his son was involved in an accident and cost some damage to the vehicle itself and some other property. And his question was, will my insurance cover this? And I said, is he on the policy?…

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Who is Going to Pay For My Medical Bills?

How to pay medical bills is one of the questions that I usually get from my clients that have been involved in a car accident. And then they tell me: ‘Well, I have heard that the insurance company for the other driver will pay all…

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Health Insurance Deductible Not Meet?

Today we are going to talk about the issue that comes up in car accident cases a lot, and we deal with it here at the office lot. So let’s assume you are involved in a car accident. You have private health insurance and you…

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Zakon kolateralnog izvora plaćanja medicinskih računa

Tema zakon kolateralnog izvora plaćanja medicinskih računa, specifično za Missouri nakon auto udesa. Literalno u prevodu, to znači izvor, i kolateralni izvor plaćanja medicinskih računa nakon auto udesa. Da dočaramo malo šta to znači. Dat ću vam jedan primjer i onda ćemo pratiti taj primjer…

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Medicaid and Car Accident

A lot of our clients are Medicaid recipients, and unfortunately, they also get involved in a car accident. Then the question becomes, what's going to happen to their medical bills? If they hospitalized and our medical provider chooses to build Medicaid. What is Medicaid? Medicaid…

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Medicare and Car Accident Cases

We're gonna talk a little bit about Medicare and car accident. So, a lot of our clients are Medicare recipients. And when they get involved in an accident, there's some layer of complication because of Medicare. What is Medicare? Generally, Medicare is available to people…

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Worst Car Insurance Company in USA

My daily work consists of dealing with car insurance companies. While folks do see their advertisements of: "Hey you are in good hands, we are here you when it counts." Allstate Unfortunately, the reality is not that. The reality is that car insurance companies are…

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Korištenje mobilnog telefona u toku vožnje

Govorimo o temi, koja je veoma, kako da je nazovemo, strahovita. Nažalost i ja moram priznati da sam koristio svoj mobilni telefon dok sam vozio automobil. Missouri je jedna od tri države u Americi koje zapravo ne zabranjuju direktno pisanje i čitanje poruka u toku…

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Medical Liens in Car Accident Cases

We deal with medical liens on a daily basis. What exactly is a medical lien? Well, when you've been injured in a car accident, and you've been seen by a doctor or hospital, they know that you may have a settlement coming down the road,…

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Texting and driving

I'm gonna touch upon a topic that I'm gonna admit myself I've done it. And a lot of people do it and it is so wrong because it is so dangerous. Texting and driving. So, here in Missouri, Missouri is actually one of three states…

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Medicinski problem koji prouzrokuje auto udese

Sa ovim slučajem sam se susretao par puta u svojoj karijeri gdje, moj klijent zadobije ozljede u auto udesu. Gdje, osoba koja je prouzrokovala taj auto udes ima neki medicinski problem. Hajde da kažemo, srčani, moždani ili epileptički napad, ili izgubi kratkotrajno svijest i prouzrokuje…

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Sudden Medical Emergency Doctrine or Defense in Missouri

I've come across this defence, this doctrine quite a few times in my practice. It's called the sudden medical emergency defence, and it states that if the person who caused the car accident. Suffered an unforeseen medical emergency, heart attack stroke seizure, etc. They cannot…

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Klauzula za plaćanje medicinskih računa pod vašim auto osiguranjem

Šta je to, kada dolazi u igru i zašto? Zakonski gledajući, klauzula za plaćanje medicinskih računa ne mora da bude na vašem auto osiguranju. Vaš agent to vama zakonski ne mora prodati. Međutim to je veoma dobra stvar imati na auto osiguranju. Prvi razlog Klauzula…

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Koliko košta angažman advokatskog ureda

Često dobijem pitanje; koliko košta angažman advokatskog ureda. Međutim, kada malo dublje razmislim o tome, jeste da većina naših klijenata kada nas kontaktira vezano za auto udes, nisu nikada angažovali advokata i nemaju pojma koliko će ih to koštati. Odgovor je veoma jednostavan. Mi nenaplaćujemo…

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Koliko vremena imate nakon auto udesa da pokrenete slučaj

Pitanje koje često dobijemo jeste, koliko dugo vremena nakon auto udesa imate da pokrenete slučaj od osobe koja vas je ozlijedila ili protiv auto osiguranja. Zakon u Missouri Pitanje je malo komplikovano. Hajde da uzmemo u obzir da to nije neka državna ustanova protiv koje…

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How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Law Firm?

I'm actually surprised by this question. When I think back on it, most people do not have to hire a lawyer, until they're involved in a car accident. Therefore, they don't know how the system works. Car accident claim Basically, a car accident claim or…

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Should I Give a Recorded Statement to the Insurance Company

Today's topic is a recorded statement to the other driver's insurance company. After a car accident, the other driver's insurance company will get on the phone really fast and try to get you. To get on the record and tell them what happened. They want…

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Zahtjev za nadoknadu troškova zdravstvenog osiguranja nakon auto udesa

Govorimo o temi zahtjev za nadoknadu troškova zdravstvenog osiguranja nakon auto udesa. Desio se udes i vi ste možda morali da idete u bolnicu. Bili ste kod kućnog doktora, na terapijama i sl. Vaše zdravstveno osiguranje je platilo te račune. Sada ste vi u situaciji…

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Health Insurance Subrogation After a Car Accident

We are going to talk about, private health insurance, subrogation rights after a car accident. Let's assume you've been involved in a car accident, you went to a hospital, saw some physical therapist, your primary care physician and so on, and you are getting ready…

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Zakon o ujedu pasa u Missouriju

Iako većina naših slučajeva je vezana za auto udese ovdje u uredu, mi se također bavimo zakonom o ujedu pasa ako se dese u Missouriju. Šta zapravo kaže zakon za isti, ako Vas ujede cuko? Zakon je veoma striktan kada dođe do ozljeda od psa.…

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Why you should have UM/UIM limits of $250K

Today topic is going to be why you should increase your uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist limits under your car insurance policy to $250k. Example number 1 Our client gets hammered by an uninsured driver. He spent a few days at a hospital. The doctor…

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What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Denies My Claim

Today's topic is going to be, what should I do if the car insurance company denies my claim after an accident after a law sends on. The first thing you should do Obviously, the first thing you should do is ask them to put it…

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Zakon fantomskog vozila u Missouri

Danas je jedna interesantna tema, zakon fantomskog vozila u državi Missouri. Šta je fantomsko vozilo? Fantomsko vozilo, kako ga shvataju u osiguravajućim kućama jeste, vozilo koje je prouzrokovalo udes, međutim ne možemo da napravimo identifikaciju niti vozača, niti tog vozila. Šta to znači? Hajde da…

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How Can Our Law Firm Help You Pursue the Maximum Compensation

The question I've received recently is, how can our firm help a client receive the maximum compensation after a car accident that he's been involved in? The answer is very simple. We have got the experience. We've got resources and we've got the knowledge to…

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My Contingency Fee Agreement

I had a question the other day, that people wanted to see my contingency fee agreement. To give you a bit of background. Most car accident lawyers handle these cases on a contingency fee basis. Most of them charge 1/3 if the case settles out…

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The First Meeting With The Client

Today's topic is going to be the first meeting with the client. And that usually happens at our office. I'm known to also meet clients at their place of residence if they're unable to come to me. That kinda gives us an opportunity to meet…

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Attorney Client Communication

Today's topic is going to be an attorney client communication. At the initial client meeting, I like to call the client that the attorney-client privilege is a two-way street. What's that mean? Well, I like to stay in touch with my clients, at least every…

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How We Proceed With Case

Today's topic is going to be us digging deeper if we decide to take the client on. If we decide to move forward with the case we are gonna go deeper and get all the necessary information that we need. When I say all the…

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Terms Of Representation Or Contracts With a Lawyer

Today's topic is going to be terms of representation or contracts with a lawyer. Clients don't deal with attorneys on a daily basis, or at least most of them don't. They are not familiar with how a contract with a lawyer works. Our contract specifically…

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What Are Interrogatories In a Car Accident Law Suit

Today's topic is going to be interrogatories. Once you commence a lawsuit in a personal injury or car accident case, the first thing you gotta do is file a petition. Give notice to the other side that the lawsuit has commenced. And the very next…

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Pre Lawsuit demand

Today's topic is pre lawsuit demand. Once our client has reached maximum medical improvement or MMI. Meaning doctors have healed him or her or they have done only so much for that person and medicine really can't help them anymore. Medical records and bills We…

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Mediation in Car Accident Cases

Today topic is going to be mediation in a car accident case. In the context of a car accident claim mediation is a process in which a trained mediator helps you and the other side to try to reach an agreement. Mediation can't require either…

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Co Counsel Agreement

Today's topic is going to be the use of the co-counsel agreement. Sometimes we see the need to associate with the co-counsel that may have more expertise more than us when it comes to handling the particulate matter. If that happens we will advise the…

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Police Report

Then we are gonna talk about each and every heading of that police report. Let's just jump straight into it, and go from there. Here it is. This is a Missouri uniform crash report. Your crash report from the cities St. Louis county and across…

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Policijski izvještaj nakon auto udesa

Danas pričamo o policijskim izvještajima nakon auto udesa. I ne samo to nego direktno ćemo vam pokazati kako oni izgledaju i šta mi tražimo u njima. Missouri uniform crash report Širom Missouri-a koristi se isti format - Missouri uniform crash report. Pratiti ćemo ove cifre…

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Factors We Consider When Evaluating Intersection Car Accidents

Factors we consider when evaluating intersection car accidents. Following all the factor and why it can be difficult to prove liability in intersection collisions in failure to yield accidents. 1. Shifting stories. That's my favourite one. The driver at fault often denies liability and changes…

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What is No Pay No Play in Missouri

No pay no play law in Missouri. If you operate a motor vehicle in the state of Missouri you are required by law to carry auto insurance on your vehicle. No pay no play law in Missouri Failure to do so now has grater implications…

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Reasons it Pays to Have a Personal Injury Attorney On Your Side

Reasons it pays to have a personal injury attorney on your side. If you are injured due to another person's carelessness, you may be entitled to compensation for the harm that you have suffered. You can pursue your claim on your own obviously. Here are…

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Razlozi zašto je dobro imati advokata u slučaju auto udesa

Razlozi zašto je dobro imati advokata u slučaju auto udesa. Ako ste povrijeđeni zbog nepažnje druge osobe, možda imate pravo na naknadu štete za ozlijede koje ste pretrpjeli. Slučaj možete pokušati riješiti i sami ali šanse za uspješan ishod su poboljšane ako se obratite advokatu…

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Iznajmljivanje automobila nakon auto udesa

Mogu li dobiti iznamjeljeni automobil dok se moje auto popravlja nakon auto udesa? Veoma često dobijem ovo pitanje. Na početku slučaja gdje je automobil našeg klijenta oštećen, nije u voznom stanju. Ili nije u sigurnom stanju za vožnju, iako je možda u voznom stanju. Da…

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Zahtjev za tjelesne ozljede protiv države, opštine, grada

Kada je moguće tužiti državnog službenika za tjelesne ozljede? Kada je moguće tužiti državnog službenika nakon tjelesnih ozljeda? PRIMEJRI Iako zakon kaže da vlada i lokalne vlade su sigurne na slučajeve za tjelesne ozljede. Ima par izuzetaka. Tih par izuzetaka kaže da ako službenik, radnik…

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Da li vas neko posmatra? Nadzor nakon auto udesa

Hoće li osiguravajuće kompanije iznajmiti ljude koji će me pratiti, snimati i nadgledati nakon auto udesa? Ovo se možda više dešava u filmovima nego u realnosti. Privatni detektivi Međutim imali smo slučajeva gdje osiguravajuće kuće angažuju privatne detektive da prate naše klijente. Da snimaju, da…

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Driving for Uber can cancel your personal car insurance

Driving for Uber can cancel your personal car insurance. That is today's topic. Your personal car insurance may not provide you with coverage while using the car for Uber driving purposes. What is the reason for that? This is because personal car insurance policies have…

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Should I release my medical records to another driver’s insurance company?

I get this question quite a lot and I'm surprised. And the short answer is no, no, do not release that. I mean, we can rephrase that question and ask whether or not you should sign a hip a medical release for the other driver's…

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International Driver’s Licence in Missouri

Can I drive in Missouri with my Bosnian driver's licence? I honestly did not know the answer to that question, so I had to dig a bit deeper. And it appears that the answer is yes. You can drive with your international driver's licence if…

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