Dog Bite Law in Missouri

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Dog Bite Law in Missouri

1 min read

Even, most of our cases are car accidents and any personal injury lawyer here in the St.Louis area. If they want to be honest with you, they will tell you that most of there are car accidents. We also handle injuries caused by dogs.

We’ve handled quite a few #

This is kind of the rundown of the law. Because I think there is a lot of misinformation out there. I’m trying to give it you straight. The owner is liable for the resulting injuries if the injuries were the result of the dog bite. The injury happened on public property, or if the person was lawfully on private property and the injured person did not provoke the dog.

There are 3 prongs of that #

The dog owner will be held liable for those injuries. It’s a strict liability which means even if the dog owner try to restrain that dog and you still got bit. That means that the dog owner gonna be on the hook. When it comes to damages basically boils down to, if you suffered economic damages, pain and suffering and so on. Medical bills and etc. There is also negligence claim in Missouri dog bite law, which means that the statute we just talked about is specific for dog bites. The negligence and itself in Missouri are, if a big dog, for example, jumps on top of you, and then you fall and your injury yourself, the dog owner can still be held liable for that if it’s proven that he’s at fault for it.

The 2 most common defences when it comes to dog bites is that the person was unlawfully on the premises #

If you trespass, or if you try to steal from somebody’s house and you’re illegally on that property and you get bit by that dog, no you can get anything. And the other one is that the person provokes the dog. When it comes to straight negligence claims in Missouri. The most common defence is comparative fault meaning the person who got bit doing something stupid and that’s why the dog reacted the way it reacted. But, as I said, most instances if you get bit by a dog in Missouri.

If you have any questions, call me 314-352-6800. Thank you and have a good day.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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