Driving for Uber can cancel your personal car insurance

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Driving for Uber can cancel your personal car insurance

Driving for Uber can cancel your personal car insurance. That is today’s topic. Your personal car insurance may not provide you with coverage while using the car for Uber driving purposes.

What is the reason for that? #

This is because personal car insurance policies have a list of exemptions and often include driving for hire – “Driving for Hire” – as Americans say.

Does your policy cover commercial driving? #

If you drive for Uber or Lyft or similar services. Make sure your policy covers this commercial ride. If the answer is no, which is most likely the case. You will have to consider buying supplemental commercial car insurance, which for many Uber drivers, who only work part-time, may not even pay off. It needs to be checked. Uber provides some kind of automatic insurance only when the app is turned on. Uber requires that all their drivers have car insurance. And it provides additional insurance but only while the app is on.

How does it work? #

When the uber app is turned off the driver is covered by his own car insurance. If the uber application is turned on, low liability insurance – something minimal becomes active. When the trip is accepted and when the guest enters the car, a higher level of coverage is triggered and remains active until the passenger exits the vehicle. Uber’s previous insurance only offered coverage for the driver when the passenger was in the car. The company then changed the rules. As soon as the application is turned on, the insurance takes effect. Lyft and Uber and some other similar companies show that $ 1 million per incident covers the excessive liability that certain states require. They have a million-dollar policy.

What do policies address? #

The policies are designed to address liability claims that are not covered by the driver’s personal insurance. This part of the insurance will not cover the material damage of the car. You must count on your personal insurance policy for material damage to your car. For this reason, insurance companies have recently opened additional coverage options specifically for Uber and Lyft drivers, which are available in all 50 states of America. If you want to start driving for Uber, it is best to talk to your insurance agent about this fact. Find out if you need a commercial policy and find out if you need a commercial driver’s license. It depends on which car you drive for them.

If you have any questions regarding car accidents call us at: 314-352-6800.


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