Excluded Driver on a Car Insurance Policy

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Excluded Driver on a Car Insurance Policy

This past week, I had a client come in, his son was involved in an accident and cost some damage to the vehicle itself and some other property. And his question was, will my insurance cover this? And I said, is he on the policy? The client said, no, he is not. He was the excluded driver. So the answer is the insurance company will not cover any of the damages. When does something like this happen?

Let’s take an example #

In your household, there is a young person, an old person, a person that does have a very bad driving record, and you want to go insure them as well. Turns out, the Premium is going to be pretty high. Then you say, no, no, I don’t want to insure them. And the agent asks you, will they be driving the vehicle? You say, no, they’re not going to be driving a vehicle, and insurance agent makes you sign a waiver. An exclusion that they will not be driving the vehicle and if they do that, they not going to be covered. If that household member does take your car and causes an accident, your insurance policy will not be going to cover those damages.

I’ve seen it a lot, I’ve seen it more and more often in recent times when you go in, the agent will ask about all your household members that do have a drivers license, and then they will ask you, if you want to add them to the insurance policy, and if you declined they will make you sign, one of those exclusion waivers. And if that person does drive a vehicle that causes an accident it will not be covered. Let that not happen to you, make sure if you want to exclude that driver, do not let them drive that vehicle and if they’re going to driving that vehicle even occasionally, make sure to put them on the policy because it’s going to be cheaper in long-running case they cause some trouble.

If you have any questions call us at 314-352-6800

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