Health Insurance Deductible Not Meet?

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Health Insurance Deductible Not Meet?

Today we are going to talk about the issue that comes up in car accident cases a lot, and we deal with it here at the office lot. So let’s assume you are involved in a car accident. You have private health insurance and you end up going to the hospital. About a month later or two, you get a bill from the hospital that states the original amount of the charges $10.000. Your private insurance kicked in and they paid 90% of the bill. And you are stuck with the $1000 because you did not meet the deductible.

What are your options in that scenario? Couple of ways to go. #

Option number 1 #

And the easy way out, if you have got a $1000 laying around, you paid that bill, you will get that money at the end of the case.

Option number 2 #

You can call up the hospital and say, hey listen can we set up a payment plan, $50, $100 a month, and that way it doesn’t take the $1000 hit pocketbook right away. Most hospital will work with you on that one.

Option number 3 #

If you have got Medical Payments Coverage (MCP) under your own car insurance policy, we can help you set up a claim. And we can get money for your medical bills faster trough that route.

Option number 4 #

We as a Law firm can be sent a letter to the hospital, that states, hey guys we represent so-and-so, and there is a $1000 bill. If you wait to get paid until the case is settled, we will pay you directly. Some hospitals will do that, we’ll wait until the case is settled to get our money. Unfortunately, not all hospitals or medical providers will do that. Their take on it is, hey we provided the medical services, that’s the bill, we want to get paid ASAP.  If you don’t pay us we will forward this to a collection agency. Those are the options if you get stuck with the $1000 bill from a hospital after you deductible and so.

If you have any other questions for me, please give me a call 314-352-6800

There is a YouTube link about options if you did not meet your health insurance deductible:

Thank you very much and have a good day.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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