Health Insurance Subrogation After a Car Accident

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Health Insurance Subrogation After a Car Accident

We are going to talk about, private health insurance, subrogation rights after a car accident.

Let’s assume you’ve been involved in a car accident, you went to a hospital, saw some physical therapist, your primary care physician and so on, and you are getting ready to settle your car accident case.
The problem you are going to face, if you’ve got private health insurance is that. They may have sent you a letter, or your attorney.
Asking questions about the accident.

Hey, is anybody else responsible for these bills? They want some of that money that they paid out, they wanted back.

Question is, are they entitled to that money? #

Well, it’s really not as simple as it seems. There are a few steps that need to be taken to make sure that they really are entitled to it. And if not, just tell them to go away. The very first step that you have to do, or your attorney has to do is, get the policy. Get the entire private health insurance policy and read it. And make sure that there is something in that policy which is a contract between you and the private health insurance company. Kind of giving them the right to subrogate or get some of the money back. Next, if there is a provision in that policy you have to make sure that it’s actually enforceable under Missouri laws. Because some of those provisions are really not.

Next thing is going to be, even if they are enforceable under the laws, hey you’ve got to try and figure it out. How to negotiate those numbers down and at least try to minimize them. So that they don’t get anything more than they entitled to, get less then what they should be getting more money in your pocket.

A private health insurance company #

If you don’t do that initially and a couple of issues you may have down the road is that you are going to get sued by your private health insurance company claiming those rights. They’re going to cut you off from the plan and say, listen, we want that money back so make sure you do that stuff.

As I said, these private health insurance companies will do anything in their power to convince you that you have to pay that money back whenever they paid for your medical treatments. But don’t fall for that. Go through those steps that we just discussed and if they are entitled to it. Try to negotiate them down as much as possible. Because at the end of the day, if you tell them, I’m just going to drop this claim. And you guys not going to get anything. Then zero for zero is nothing.

That’s what the steps that you should be taking to resolve a subrogation from private health insurance. If you have any questions, call me 314-352-6800. Thank you!

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