How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Law Firm?

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How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Law Firm?

I’m actually surprised by this question. When I think back on it, most people do not have to hire a lawyer, until they’re involved in a car accident. Therefore, they don’t know how the system works.

Car accident claim #

Basically, a car accident claim or a lawsuit is handled by most law firms. And our law firm as well on a contingency basis. Which means we don’t ask for any money upfront. We will assume all the risk and all cost associate with claim and or lawsuit. And the client doesn’t have to pay for anything. At the end of the case, if we get anything for the client we will keep a percentage of the recovery. The rest goes to the client and any fees or any bills, doctor’s bills, and all that stuff meant to be paid.

Basically the way this agreement works is that kind of gives access to justice to everyday folks. Because, at the end of the day, insurance companies have got a lot of money. If every single individual had to pay for their own out of pocket expenses associated with the lawsuit that can run into the 10’s, the ’20s, hundred thousands of dollars, then it would not make sense for them, because most of us don’t have that kind of money lying around to invest in a lawsuit where the outcome is uncertain.

Agreement #

This agreement allows our clients to hire us, will foot the bill for the cost associate with it. And we will get a percentage of any recovery that we make. That also means is that the more money we make for the client, the more money the firm keeps. And, therefore, is in everybody’s interest to get as large of recovery as we can.

If you have any questions regarding contingency fees, and how much it cost to hire our law firm, which as I just said, it’s nothing out of pocket, so no risk to our clients. And we also offer free consultations. Don’t hesitate to call me at 314-352-6800.

Thank you and you have a good day!

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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