How We Proceed With Case

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How We Proceed With Case

Today’s topic is going to be us digging deeper if we decide to take the client on. If we decide to move forward with the case we are gonna go deeper and get all the necessary information that we need. When I say all the necessary information I mean the good the bad and the ugly. Some of that information may be embarrassing to the client, but we need to know it initially.

Don’t lie #

The worst thing that can happen is if the web proceeds with this case, and maybe we have to file a lawsuit and turn south that the client lied to us, lied to opposing counsel. My one piece of advice to all clients is: The only time we can not help you with your case is if you are caught lying. If you are caught lying that’s just the death knell of your case. Does not make you look good no matter how good of a case you’ve got if you are caught lying, it’s not good for it.

We need information #

Once you start digging deeper, we’ll need some general information and some documents as well. Some of those documents the client has access to, and we don’t. We’ll ask the client to provide them to us. Other documents we can order ourselves and the client will sign an authorisation, those documents are medical records and bills, and so forth. All the information also include name, address, phone number, email, general stuff, witnesses, treating physicians and so on, statements given to any insurance company. All of that information we will need to know. We will also ask the client if they need any assistance filling out any forms. Once we’ve gathered all of that deep-link, facts, information. We can get to work, and start building the case. Hope this help on how we proceed with the case if we decide to take it.

If you have any other questions give me a call: 314-352-6800. Thank you very much, and you have a good day.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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