Medicare and Car Accident Cases

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Medicare and Car Accident Cases

We’re gonna talk a little bit about Medicare and car accident. So, a lot of our clients are Medicare recipients. And when they get involved in an accident, there’s some layer of complication because of Medicare.

What is Medicare? #

Generally, Medicare is available to people 65 years and older. And a couple of subcategories would be people with disabilities and end-stage renal disease. So, let’s just assume is the elderly 65 years plus. So, when they get involved in a car accident. Then the hospital or their medical provider may elect to charge Medicare directly for the medical bills.
Generally speaking, Medicare will pay those bills. However, our client is then responsible to reimburse Medicare for those bills that they actually paid out. So, in a car accident, you’re basically entitled to your property damages, medical bills, pain and suffering.

So, the aspect of the medical bill that Medicare paid already. Once the case starts settling will have to pay them back. And there’s a formula that they use. We have to contact them and fill out some paperwork. Then they figure out the numbers that they are allowed to get back based on the amount of settlement. One aspect of that really complicates cases is, unfortunately, it’s also in the more serious injuries. That is the Medicare set-asides.

So, what is that? #

As I said you are entitled to medical bills after a car accident. Those bills include past medical bills that have been paid, but they may also include future medical bills that you may be entitled to because of those injuries, and because of the medical care that you will need in the future. It is basically a trust or trust-like arrangement that is set up to hold settlement proceeds for future medical expenses. So, the trust administrator will look at it and, there’s a company that specializes in that stuff. They’ll look at the settlement, they’ll look at the injuries, and then they’ll figure out how much money needs to be put into that trust.

And they will also oversee it and make sure that your future care that it’s related to the car accidents will be paid out of that trust and any other medical care that you may need will be paid directly by Medicare. And your bills will be covered that way.

I hope that helps and if you have any questions for me, regarding Medicare and car accident. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call at 314-352-6800.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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