Pre Lawsuit demand

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Pre Lawsuit demand

Today’s topic is pre lawsuit demand. Once our client has reached maximum medical improvement or MMI. Meaning doctors have healed him or her or they have done only so much for that person and medicine really can’t help them anymore.

Medical records and bills #

We are in a position once we obtain all the medical records and bills to starting negotiating with the insurance company. What we do is obtained again all the necessary paperwork from the hospital, ambulance, to primary care, physicians specialists. Write our demand which is usually detailed. We sit down with a client and ask, how this accident has affected their lives. Include all the supporting medical records and then send that to the insurance company with a number that we demand from them. Usually, that number is in the way I’m looking at it. It’s the best-case scenario if that case goes to trial and the jury just lofts our client.

Cases #

Most cases are not like that, but that’s the number I tried to include in there. We sent the insurance company. We give them about 30 days, not about we give them exactly 30 days to reply to our demand and usually they do so. Their number is lower than what we demanding. I’ll go figure right. Anyway, we got that offer and then you’re legally obligated to sit down with the client. We explained the client: “Hey this is what they think about your case. This is what they’re offering based on that after tourney’s fees expenses and if there are any medical liens this is what you would put in your pocket. As I said in 90% plus of the cases most clients okay let’s just top it off. Wrap it up. Some of them say, nope that does not enough negotiate it higher.

In some instances, we are forced to file a lawsuit #

But, as I said, once we have everything in front of us be kind and know the value of that case. We will give our opinion to the client. We will say: “Hey, listen, this is the offer we think that this offer is B.S.” Or, we will say: “This offer is great. These are your possibilities. You make that call. As I said some clients want us to file a lawsuit. Others say “I’m happy. I’m okay with it. Let’s wrap it up. ” But, that’s kind of how the pre-lawsuit demand looks.

If you have any questions, give me a call at 314-352-6800. Thank you, and have a good day.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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