Reasons it Pays to Have a Personal Injury Attorney On Your Side

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Reasons it Pays to Have a Personal Injury Attorney On Your Side

Reasons it pays to have a personal injury attorney on your side. If you are injured due to another person’s carelessness, you may be entitled to compensation for the harm that you have suffered. You can pursue your claim on your own obviously.

Here are six reasons it pays to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side.

1. So attorney levels the playing field. #

The insurance company and its attorney have more money, time, more experience and more resources than you do. When you go at it alone you are at a distinct disadvantage. Having a personal injury attorney on your side helps to level the playing field.

2. Attorney can gather evidence and conduct a thorough investigation. #

An attorney will know what evidence is actually important and how to get it. So this includes witness statements police report medical records and bills, accident reports and information about the other driver. Your attorney can uncover evidence that would be difficult or maybe even impossible for you to obtain on your own.

3. Attorney can protect you from abusive tactics from the claims adjuster. #

If you are not represented by an attorney an aggressive the claims adjuster may try to bully you into providing a recorded statement or giving the insurance company brought access to your medical records. You don’t want that. An experienced attorney negotiates from a position of strength. Insurance adjusters are savvy negotiators.

4. A seasoned personal injury attorney will not be intimidated by the adjusters low-ball offer. #

All attempts to stonewall your claim or any tactic the adjuster uses to try to get you to settle for less than your claim is worth.

5. An experienced attorney knows how to put together a persuasive settlement demand. #

Your claim may be a slam dunk but if your settlement demand letter is not well organised, succinct, and supported by relevant evidence of your damages it will stall on a busy claims adjusters desk. An attorney will know how to package your settlement demand so it gets the adjusters attention.

6. An attorney can advocate for you in court. #

If settlement negotiations fail you may have to file a lawsuit to obtain fair compensation for your losses in that instance. Having an attorney on your team can be an invaluable asset. So your the lawyer will know when and how to take action on your behalf and protect your rights. Hope this helps.

If you have any other questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 314-352-6800. Thank you very much and a wonderful day!

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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