Strain of Medical Bills After a Car Accident

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Strain of Medical Bills After a Car Accident

The biggest issue #

One of the biggest issues that we deal with on behalf of our clients, or medical bills after a car accident.

They can be life-changing because those medical bills can go up pretty quickly, a couple of days stay at the hospital can be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range and it’s scary. It is scary. A lot of my clients ask me well what are my options how can I get rid of this?

A couple of ways to go about it and we are going to go through the most simple ones to the more complicated ones. Obviously, if you have health insurance that should kick in right away. So that health insurance can be through your employer, that health insurance can be health insurance that you purchased privately. It can be through your spouse, or through your parents. They should kick in and cover those bills and whatever is leftover. The deductible co-pays that would be your responsibility.

Medical Payments Coverage #

The next one would be your medical payments coverage which we talked about in a previous video. If you have medical payments coverage under your own car insurance policy, they should kick in. Unfortunately, MedPay coverage is really not that high. I mean the highest that I’ve seen is here in Missouri is twenty-five thousand dollars. Even though you can purchase more and so if you’ve got hundreds of thousands of dollars of bills. You don’t have any health insurance it’s just a fraction of those. And the next one is your MedPay of the vehicle if you were a passenger a vehicle that MedPay coverage will kick in and cover those bills. Then the last bills if you do have a personal injury case and we get a settlement on your behalf. At the end, we would deal with all of those medical bills that are outstanding.

Medical Providers #

Unfortunately, some of the medical providers are not willing to wait that long and they may you know send your bills to a collection agency. And may affect your credit score. Then the very last one is I tell people if you’ve got the means to go ahead and pay you will get the money at the end of the case. Try to set up a payment plan so it doesn’t affect your credit history. Medical providers are pretty flexible when it comes to their collection practices. They will be willing to work with you on setting up those payment plans.
And then medical bills that medical providers sometimes will work on a lien basis with us. It means they will wait until the end of the case to get that paid. But it’s that there’s never an easy answer when it comes to medical bills and a lot of people struggle with that and sometimes it does affect the credit score.

Unfortunately legally speaking we as attorneys cannot go in and then pay that medical bills for you and then wait for the case to settle to get our money back.

So hope this answers some of your questions that you may have had about medical bills after a car accident.

If you do have any further questions please call me at 314-352-6800. We would be more than willing to answer any and all questions that you have.

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Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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