Terms Of Representation Or Contracts With a Lawyer

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Terms Of Representation Or Contracts With a Lawyer

Today’s topic is going to be terms of representation or contracts with a lawyer. Clients don’t deal with attorneys on a daily basis, or at least most of them don’t. They are not familiar with how a contract with a lawyer works. Our contract specifically for a car accident case, in general, is a contingency fee-based agreement.

Contingency fee-based agreement #

What that means for the client is that they will never owe us anything out of pocket ever if we don’t make a recovery against terms the insurance company. If the are successful and do get the recovery from the insurance company. We usually get to keep one-third of the proceeds of the gross proceeds we recover from the insurance company. Example: If we are able to recover a $100.000 from the insurance company for a client for injuries we would get to keep $33.333. That’s pre-litigation if we have to go into litigation our fee increases to 40%. Keep in mind that does not happen very often, less than 10% of the time. Because most car accident cases are resolved as a claim. Well, 98%+ of the cases are resolved as a claim.

The client can discharge us at any time #

Having said that, the next point is that the client can discharge us at any time. If you within a month two decide: I don’t like you guys anymore I want to go with somebody else. I wanna do it myself. Whatever the reason the client can discharge us and that’s fine. That contract says: The client himself/herself will not owe us anything out of pocket. However, we will then send a lining to the insurance company, that says how much time we have expanded for this case. And these are costs, and once the case settles. Please send us this amount of money and then send the rest to the client or their successor attorney.

If you have any questions when it comes to attorney contracts please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 314-352-6800.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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