The First Meeting With The Client

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The First Meeting With The Client

Today’s topic is going to be the first meeting with the client. And that usually happens at our office. I’m known to also meet clients at their place of residence if they’re unable to come to me. That kinda gives us an opportunity to meet face to face and go into the acts of an accident.

Initial meeting #

What I like to do in the initial meeting I like to let the client talk as much he/she wants. I want to get all the facts. The good, the bad and the ugly at the end of the day. Once I gather all the facts I like to restate them with the major points in terms of the law. I will also tell my clients how the law stands on those issues. Example in a car accident case would be how the law stances on liability and damages and so on. I also tried to set the expectations of the client. Because if the client has got the expectations that are unrealistic, it may be best to set them straight, and if that’s not possible to decline representation.

I like to be honest with my clients #

If I realise and this is soft tissue injury case, no broken bones tore ligaments, no surgeries I can guaranty you that case is not gonna be worth a million dollars, okay? And if the client still thinks that the case is worth a million dollars, then it’s probably best for me to decline that case, and it’s best for the client as well because guess what, I’m not gonna be able to meet those expectations.

The first meeting #

The first meeting also gives the client that same opportunity to meet me, see if they like me and if they don’t it’s best to just say: Sorry, I’m just don’t feel comfortable, and I’m not gonna move forward with this case with you. That’s perfectly fine because if I said: It’s an attorney-client privilege two-way street, and there is gonna be some trust, there is gonna be some respect for us to move forward, and get along and get a case resolved to the best and maximum compensation possible. Hope this helps explain how the first meeting with the client goes with our office.

If you have any questions for me don’t hesitate to give me a call at 314-352-6800. Thank you very much, and have a good day.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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