What Are Interrogatories In a Car Accident Law Suit

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What Are Interrogatories In a Car Accident Law Suit

Today’s topic is going to be interrogatories. Once you commence a lawsuit in a personal injury or car accident case, the first thing you gotta do is file a petition. Give notice to the other side that the lawsuit has commenced. And the very next step is called the discovery process. Discovery, as the word implies, is kinda going digging for information. The first thing in the discovery process is the exchange of the interrogatories.

What are interrogatories in the car accident case?

They are basically a list of questions directed at the plaintiff as well as the defendant. Each side can send them, and they usually do. They are very personal in nature, or to a certain extent, some of them are. They are very broad, so don’t be surprised if the other side asks you about your employment for the past five years, where you worked, what you did, and all that stuff. If they ask you about your family situation, are you married, do you have any kids, level of education, and so on.

Claiming lost vages #

If you are claiming lost vages don’t be surprised if they ask you to send them your tax returns for the past 3-5 years, depending on what you are claiming. That’s the first step, what you have to keep in mind when comes to interrogatories aspect of discovery is that those questions are answered under oath. We all make mistakes, but some mistakes are worst than others because some are not the mistakes, but leading the other side on by lying to them. That’s the one thing you don’t want to do when it comes to the interrogatories. If you don’t know an answer to a question just say: I don’t know the answer to that question. That’s perfectly fine, but don’t go out lying about an answer. They are under oath, and you can be held in contempt.

One thing that I tell clients #

The only time that I cannot help you when it comes to these cases is if you are caught lying. Everything else we can fix. Those are interrogatories in a car accident case. Basic questions that go in the depth about who you are, what injuries you are claiming, and when it comes to injuries they are gonna ask you about doctors etc. Most important thing be truthful and answer to the best of your ability. Hope this helps and if you have any other questions give me a call at 314-352-6800. Thank you.

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