What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Denies My Claim

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What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Denies My Claim

Today’s topic is going to be, what should I do if the car insurance company denies my claim after an accident after a law sends on.

The first thing you should do #

Obviously, the first thing you should do is ask them to put it in writing to say. This is the reason we denied your claim. Some of the denials are actually legit. So, if you failing a claim, it’s a 100% your fault then obviously they’re going to deny. And you can’t get any compensation for this.

The insurance company had denied their claim #

However, I have had a lot of clients come in after the insurance company had denied their claim. We were successful in making any compensation for them at the end of the case. One thing that we have to understand is that the insurance company denying claims is in their best financial interest.

If they tell you to like, nope, we not paying for it, and you just not do anything about it, even though it may have been a legit claim, they actually make money on it. Because they make that money that they would pay you for that legit claim.

The example #

The example that I’m getting at here, here are the facts. My client is making a left turn on a green arrow. And young lady very nice young lady, blows the red light, hits him, T-bones him, and injures him. There is a witness, and witness confirms that that lady runs a red light, she gets a ticket for it. She actually goes out and pays for that ticket, basically admitting to being at fault for this accident and so the client initially file a claim with the insurance company.

Just one thing, is property damage is car fixed, well guess what, they denied that claim. They denied that claim even though he said he had a green arrow, there was a witness that says that their client, their insurant blew off red light, and their client, their insurer admitted guilt admitted fault by pleading guilty to that traffic violation. We were forced to file a lawsuit, and at the end of that, not only that we get him property damage paid out, but we also got him everything that she had in insurance coverage for his bodily injuries.

The point #

So, the point being here is if the insurance company does deny your claim don’t let it end at that, you got options. Have a lawyer take a look at it, talk to a lawyer, give him the facts, and the lawyer, I or somebody else will agree or disagree and say yap, they right in denying this claim, or no, they were wrong, here is why, and here is what we going to do.

If you have any questions if the insurance company denies my claim, don’t hesitate to reach out at 314-352-6800. Thank you very much, and have a wonderful day!

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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