Can I be held liable if I wave someobody to make a left turn in front of me and then they get hit?

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Can I be held liable if I wave someobody to make a left turn in front of me and then they get hit?

Great topic today because it’s happened to most likely all of us. So the question is, can I be held liable if I wave somebody to make a left turn in front of me and then they get hit by another vehicle in the lane next 2 hours?

So here’s the scenario. You’re in traffic, it’s backing up and then there’s a guy in the left turning lane right in front of you wanting to make a left turn into his driveway. Right. And you’re stuck and you want to be nice and you let the car in front of you move further forward a little bit, and then you wave them on. You’re like, Come on, make a left turn. It’s okay. I’m a great guy. So he or she does that wants to make a left turn. However, the car in the lane next to us doesn’t see him or her and then boom T-Bone collision.

So the question is, can I be held liable?

Well, I was just trying to be nice. I didn’t do anything wrong. Unfortunately, you did some motorist on Missouri roads. You’re actually kind of supposed to look out for those drivers as well. So then you waive them on when you said, hey, listen, come on, it’s safe. Don’t you know I’m just standing here? You’re kind of giving them, you know, the impression that it really is safe to make a left turn. And when they go, they rely on your actions to make that left turn. Otherwise they wouldn’t have done it. And then they get hit by that driver in the lane next to ours.

So the answer is yes, you could be held liable, so don’t be too friendly on those Missouri roads. I hope this helps. And if you have any questions, give us a call. 3143526800. Thank you very much. And you have a good day.

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