Can I Keep a Car Even if it is Total Loss?

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Can I Keep a Car Even if it is Total Loss?

The answer is yes, you can keep a car even ti’s total loss. However, you will not receive full value for it. Basically, the insurance company will keep, retain the salvage value of the vehicle. What is that mean? Let’s assume, you are rear-ended, and the car is a total loss. The insurance company comes looks at it and said, the value of your car is $10.000. However, you’ll ask them can I keep the vehicle? and they said, sure, however, we’ll only give you $9000, and you are like, wow, why is that the case? Even a total loss vehicle, a salvage vehicle had some value. If they took it to the scrapyard, they will get $1000 for it.

Therefore they’re going to deduct that from your recovery. To answer the question, can I keep the vehicle after a car accident? Yes, you can. However, you will get less money for it. We hope this has helped you.

If you have any questions call us at 314-352-6800 and we’d be glad to answer any other questions that you may have.

Thank you very much and you have a wonderful and safe day.

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