How Much Does Insurance Go Up After an Accident

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How Much Does Insurance Go Up After an Accident

Probably, a better person to answer this question would be your insurance agent.
However, trough my experience with these car accidents, pretty sure I can talk about it cause I’ve seen it all.
What we have got to, kind of differentiate is at fault, meaning you cause the accident, it was your fault vs not-at-fault accident.
Meaning somebody else causes the accident yet you are running it through your own insurance company. Generally speaking, car insurance rates go up about 30-31% on average nationally after one at-fault accident with more than $2000 in damages or $450 per year. It is just a little bit more for al fault accident with bodily injury involved.

How much can your auto rate increase after an accident? #

There are so many factors that are going to coming to play after that, that is very difficult to say.
Sometimes it’ll stay the same, so, for example, the accident was really minor, around $2000 it may stay the same, and the insurance company will let it slide. On the other hand, if it’s a major accident, major personal injuries, your insurance may increase.
It’ll go between 12-80% for a fault accident. In Missouri, the average rate for car insurance is $1288, and rates after a car accident are $1500-1600. That’s about 22% increase in Missouri after one at-fault car accident.
If you got more than one, then your insurance is going to skyrocket, meaning a fault accident you cause them.
On the other hand, the not-at-fault accident is different. If you, let’s say, rear-ended by an uninsured motorist, and your uninsured motorist coverage kicks in. It’s still going through your own insurance company. However, it wasn’t your fault. Chances are if it is your first time your rates will not increase at all.

However, if you have got more than one not-at-fault accident in the last three years the insurance company will not increase your rates because of this last one. But, they’ll increase your rates based on your history and how much insurance companies had to payout.

In a minor car accident is it really worth to file a claim with my insurance company? #

The general answer that I get from experts is; if the damages are around the number for your deductible, do not do it.
Even if it is a couple of hundred dollars more than your deductible. The other thing is that some of these insurance companies have got accident for plans. Which means some of them will charge you a little bit more. But if you are involved in an at-fault accident for the first time they are not going to raise your premiums. You get a free pass, I guess.

If you have any other questions for me, call me at 314-352-6800. Thank you!

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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