Injured in an Uber or Lyft Vehicle

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Injured in an Uber or Lyft Vehicle

Today’s topic is uber and lyft accident.

Whose insurance applies if you are injured as a passenger in an uber or lyft accident? #

If you are rear-ended as a passenger in an uber or lyft vehicle, then obviously if the vehicle that caused the accident, the one behind you did have insurance, then their insurance is gonna kick in and cover all of your damages, if they had enough coverage.

What if the accident is caused by the lyft or uber driver, what if he ser or she have called?

Well, in that case, their insurance company kicks in, so the uber or lyft drivers insurance company kicks in if they had a business use exception under the same.

There’s got to be that exception otherwise they’re not gonna pay for it. If they did have it, their insurance company is gonna pay for it.

However, if they did not have that business use exception. And they’re at fault then the good news is that uber and lyft do have an uninsured or underinsured coverage of a million dollars.

What about insurance? #

Even if the insurance for the lyft or uber driver kicks in. But God forbid it’s not enough for your injuries. Then uninsured and underinsured coverage that uber and lyft carry of a million dollars kicks in and they pay for your bodily injuries.

It will also kick in if the other driver that hits you did not have coverage and the insurance for the uber/lyft driver doesn’t kick in.

The example we used initially as an uber or lyft passenger, you guys get rear-ended. The vehicle that caused the accident behind you did not have coverage. And the uber and lyft drivers insurance doesn’t kick in.
Then again uber and lyft do have uninsured or underinsured coverage up to a million dollars for your bodily injuries.

If you have any question about uber or lyft accident call me 314-352-6800. Thank you.

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