Injured on the Job in a Car Accident

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Injured on the Job in a Car Accident

We come across this situation quite often actually. Let’s assume, you are on the job. And you are driving from scene to scene and you get involved in the car accident and injured on the job.

What are your rights, what can you do? #

Actually, in that case, you’ve got two when the use of recovery. The first one is going to be, the worker’s compensation system. Under Missouri law, work comp system. If you’re injured on the job, you are entitled to get, lost wages. If the doctor tells you that you are unable to work, they have to pay for your medical treatment. And they have to give you permanency based on that injury.

So, once you get better, once you reached the maximum medical improvement, you can get your worker’s compensation case wrapped up, get the compensation that you are entitled to underwork comp system, and the next step is to pursue your third party recovery from the at-fault driver in the car accident or their insurance company.

In any case, you want to wrap up your work comp case first, and then pursue the third party case. Why? Because once you start wrapping up your third party case, you will have to pay some money back to be workers compensation carrier for the compensation paid on your behalf. There is a formula out there that kind of dictate how much recovery they can get from the third party. But in any case, your lawyer can get that reduced even further.

Why that is the case, why we are ably reduced even further? #

Well, if you don’t wrap up your third party case then the work comp carrier doesn’t get anything. It’s in their interest to work with us, to tell us, hey listen, if you go ahead and wrap up your third party case, we are willing to take a little bit less money then what we would be entitled to. So, everybody’s happy in the end.

If you have any questions about car accidents and job injuries, give me a call 314-352-6800. Thank you!

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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