Phantom Vehicle Law in Missouri

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Phantom Vehicle Law in Missouri

Today’s topic is an interesting one, and it is phantom vehicle law here in Missouri. Nothing is, I want to say nothing is worst, but few things are worst than being involved in a car accident. And one of those situations can be if the other vehicle actually leaves the scene of the accident.

Another point can be, that vehicle never really touched your vehicle. But kind like pushed you out of the road by entering into your lane on the highway. I had one of those. Or the vehicle enters your roadway, coming from the opposite direction. And you are forced to swerve to avoid that vehicle and then you hit a tree. Had a case like that as well.

Am I and then people are actually worried that the insurance companies not going to cover because no other vehicle touched your vehicle and just looks like you ran off the road and hit a tree.

Possibility of recovery under the phantom vehicle law in Missouri #

However, there is a possibility of recovery under the phantom vehicle law in Missouri. And the phantom vehicle as used by an insurance company refers to a vehicle involved in an accident where neither the driver nor the vehicle can be identified after the fact. It’s a tricky one to prove, so that’s why it’s also very important to contact a lawyer that’s handled these things before.

Because, obviously first thing first, you got to call the police, and you got to tell them what happened. The other thing is, if there was a witness that stops after the accident, you get their information, obviously if you are able, to not to badly injured to do that. Get their information, because their testimony may be vital to proving that there was another vehicle.

Because, if you are by yourself in the vehicle, and you hit a tree because another vehicle entered your roadway and you swerved to avoid him. It’s just your word, against the insurance company, who is going to say like, well we don’t believe you basically. It’s very important to get a police report. Get contact information of any witnesses that stop after, and see if they have seen anything.

The phantom vehicle does not require to contact some other jurisdictions #

One other thing that is particular to Missouri is that phantom vehicle does not require to contact some other jurisdictions required that there was contact and basically for red car swipes a white car. You’re going to have some paint swipe on each one of those.
It’s kind of easier to prove, but in Missouri does not require contact. Meaning that if you driving down the road, two-lane, one in each direction and the driver coming towards you. Swerves into your lane you swerved right to avoid that vehicle, without touching it. In Missouri, you are still entitled to recovery under the phantom vehicle law if you are able to prove it obviously. In other jurisdictions, if there was no contact you will not be able to recover anything.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions regarding a car accident here in the St. Louis area. Don’t hesitate to give me a call at 314-352-6800. Thank you and you have a good day.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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