Navigating Personal Injury Claims with Bajrić & Ramić: What You Need to Know

Navigating Personal Injury Claims with Bajrić & Ramić: What You Need to Know

When you or a loved one suffers a personal injury due to an accident or someone else’s negligence, the aftermath can be overwhelming. From dealing with medical bills to managing time off work, the physical, emotional, and financial burdens can quickly add up. In such situations, seeking the expertise of a reputable law firm like […]

Navigating Road Safety: The Crucial Role of Insurance Coverage

Navigating Road Safety: The Crucial Role of Insurance Coverage

In the bustling world of traffic and transportation, where vehicles of all shapes and sizes traverse the roads, safety is paramount. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily commutes, road trips, and errands, accidents can happen when least expected. It’s in these moments that the importance of insurance coverage shines brightly, serving as a safety […]

Navigating Back Injury Claims: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating Back Injury Claims: A Comprehensive Guide

Suffering a back injury can be a life-altering experience, impacting your physical health, daily activities, and overall well-being. In the aftermath of such an incident, understanding the legal aspects and seeking appropriate compensation becomes crucial. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate back injury claims: The Complexity of Back Injury Cases Back injuries can […]

Technology in Personal Injury Law: How Advancements are Shaping Cases

Technology in Personal Injury Law: How Advancements are Shaping Cases

In the dynamic landscape of personal injury law, technological advancements have become pivotal in shaping the way cases are investigated, presented, and resolved. As we delve into the intersection of technology and legal practice, it becomes evident that these innovations are not only enhancing the efficiency of the legal process but also influencing the outcomes […]

Personal Injury Settlements in Missouri?

Personal Injury Settlements in Missouri?

Personal injury settlements in Missouri are crucial financial components for individuals recovering from accidents. However, navigating the tax implications of these settlements is essential to avoid unpleasant surprises during tax seasons. This comprehensive guide explores whether personal injury settlements are taxable in the state of Missouri. General Tax Guidelines for Personal Injury Settlements As a […]

5 Benefits of Hiring an Attorney for Personal Injuries

5 Benefits of Hiring an Attorney for Personal Injuries

Suffering a personal injury can be a life-altering experience, impacting your physical, emotional, and financial well-being. When faced with such challenges, seeking professional legal representation is not just an option – it’s a crucial step towards securing your rights and future. Here are five compelling benefits that shed light on the invaluable role of hiring […]

The Fields Covered by Bajrić and Ramić Law Office

The Fields Covered by Bajrić and Ramić Law Office

Bajrić and Ramić Law Office is a reputable legal firm known for its extensive expertise in various fields of law. If you’re seeking legal representation in personal injury cases, this firm has you covered. They specialize in a wide range of personal injury cases, including foot injury, back injury, eye injury, car accidents, truck accidents, […]

5 reasons to hire Bajrić and Ramić Law Office

5 reasons to hire Bajrić and Ramić Law Office

When it comes to legal matters, finding the right law office is crucial to ensure that your legal needs are met with expertise, professionalism, and dedication. Bajrić and Ramić Law Office stands out as a top choice for individuals and businesses seeking legal representation. In this detailed blog, we will explore the five compelling reasons […]

Navigating Personal Injury Lawsuits in Missouri

Navigating Personal Injury Lawsuits in Missouri

When someone sustains injuries due to the negligence of another party, they may pursue a personal injury lawsuit to seek compensation for their damages. The duration of a personal injury lawsuit in Missouri can vary significantly depending on multiple factors.  This blog aims to shed light on the various aspects that influence the timeline of […]

Are Personal Injury Settlements Taxable in Missouri? Understanding Tax Implications

Are Personal Injury Settlements Taxable in Missouri? Understanding Tax Implications

Personal injury settlements provide compensation to individuals who have suffered injuries or losses due to someone else’s negligence. Or due wrongful actions. When receiving a settlement, it is crucial to understand the tax implications, as taxation rules can vary depending on the jurisdiction.  In this evergreen blog, we will specifically focus on the taxation of […]

Understanding Personal Injury Laws: A Comprehensive Guide for Accident Victims

Understanding Personal Injury Laws: A Comprehensive Guide for Accident Victims

Personal injury accidents can be life-altering events, causing physical injuries, emotional distress, and financial hardships. It’s crucial for accident victims to have a clear understanding of personal injury laws to protect their rights and pursue fair compensation. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key aspects of personal injury laws and provide valuable […]

Seeking Compensation for Personal Injuries: Key Steps to Take

Seeking Compensation for Personal Injuries: Key Steps to Take

Suffering a personal injury can be a life-altering event, impacting your physical well-being, emotional state, and financial stability. Seeking compensation for your injuries is essential to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. In this comprehensive blog, we will guide you through the key steps to take when seeking compensation for personal injuries, ensuring […]

Choosing the Right Personal Injury Lawyer: Factors to Consider

Choosing the Right Personal Injury Lawyer: Factors to Consider

When dealing with a personal injury claim, having the right legal representation can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. Choosing the right personal injury lawyer requires careful consideration and thorough research. In this blog, we will explore the key factors to consider when selecting a personal injury lawyer, ensuring you make […]

What is a personal injury claim?

What is a personal injury claim?

A personal injury claim is a legal process in which an individual seeks compensation for injuries and damages that were caused by the negligence or intentional actions of another party. In this blog, we will discuss what a personal injury claim is, the types of personal injury claims, and the steps involved in pursuing a […]

What does personal injury protection cover?

What does personal injury protection cover?

Personal injury protection (PIP) is a type of car insurance coverage that is designed to provide medical and other related expenses for the driver and passengers in case of a car accident. In this blog, we will discuss what personal injury protection covers and why it is important. Medical Expenses Personal injury protection covers medical […]

What is personal injury protection?

What is personal injury protection?

Personal injury protection, commonly referred to as PIP, is a type of car insurance coverage that provides medical and related expenses coverage for the driver and passengers in the event of an accident, regardless of who was at fault. In this blog, we’ll discuss PIP in detail, including what it covers, how it works, and […]

Types of Personal Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Types of Personal Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Personal injuries can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. They are unexpected and can be caused by various factors, including negligence, recklessness, or intentional harm. Personal injuries can be physical, emotional, or psychological, and can have long-term effects on a person’s life. In this blog post, we will discuss the types of personal […]

The Importance of Documenting Evidence for Your Personal Injury Case

The Importance of Documenting Evidence for Your Personal Injury Case

Sustaining a personal injury case can be a traumatic experience, both physically and emotionally. In addition to seeking medical attention and taking care of your health, it’s essential to document any evidence that can help support your personal injury case. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of documenting evidence for your personal […]

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Personal Injury To The Homeowner?

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Personal Injury To The Homeowner?

Homeowners insurance is designed to protect homeowners from financial loss due to damage to their property or liability for injuries sustained by others on their property. But what about personal injury to the homeowner themselves? Does homeowners insurance cover injuries sustained by the homeowner? The answer is, it depends. Homeowners insurance is a crucial aspect […]

How to find a personal injury lawyer?

How to find a personal injury lawyer?

If you’ve been injured in an accident and are considering legal action, finding the right personal injury lawyer is crucial. A good lawyer can help you navigate the complex legal process. Ensure that your rights are protected, and help you secure the compensation you deserve.  But with so many lawyers out there, how do you […]

Can you reopen a personal injury case?

Can you reopen a personal injury case?

Personal injury cases can have a significant impact on an individual’s life. And the outcome of a case can greatly affect their ability to move forward after an injury. In some cases, however, the original outcome of the case may not be satisfactory to the injured party.  In this blog post, we’ll explore whether it’s […]

Are personal injury settlements marital property?

Are personal injury settlements marital property?

If you or your spouse suffers an injury due to carelessness or the negligence of another person, do you know what happens to your money and property in the event of a divorce? As a rule, the courts will divide marital assets and debts based on the method of equitable distribution. In this case, a number […]

What personal injury lawyers actually do for clients?

What personal injury lawyers actually do for clients?

Personal injury lawyers are legal professionals who specialize in representing clients who have been injured due to the negligence of others. They provide legal representation. And assistance to clients in a wide range of personal injury cases. Including car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, and more.  In this blog post, we’ll explore the specific […]

Can I switch a lawyer in a personal injury case?

Can I switch a lawyer in a personal injury case?

When you are dealing with a personal injury case in court, you might want to change your lawyer. If you are reading this text right now, you are probably already wondering how and in what way to do exactly that. Can you change your personal injury lawyer? The answer to that is of course you […]

What is personal injury protection and how it works?

What is personal injury protection and how it works?

Personal injury protection is a type of car insurance that provides coverage for medical expenses. And lost wages in the event of an automobile accident. PIP is also commonly referred to as “no-fault” insurance. As it provides coverage regardless of who is determined to be at fault for the accident. In this blog post, we’ll […]

What is Personal Protection Insurace?

What is Personal Protection Insurace?

Personal protection insurance protects you and your loved ones against a variety of issues, including loss of income, covering mortgage payments, debt payments, medical bills and rehabilitation costs, and many other issues. What is life cover? Everyone has financial obligations that they are tied to, and if someone happens to die early, the impact extends […]

How Much Do Personal Injury Lawyers Charge?

How Much Do Personal Injury Lawyers Charge?

The standard fee is generally 33.3% in most states – paid after you win your case. However, although most charge this way, there are a few other differences. It all depends on the lawyer and his work rules. How Much Do Personal Injury Lawyers Charge? It is very important to ask your advisor exactly how […]

Are personal injury settlement taxable?

Are personal injury settlement taxable?

Personal injury settlements are one of the few types of lawsuits that are tax-exempt. Most other lawsuit settlements are taxable. If you recently had a personal injury lawsuit that ended in a settlement, then you’re probably wondering if the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has any rights to your winnings. Are personal injury settlements taxable? In […]

What is product liability?

What is product liability?

The Product Liability Act is actually a set of rules that relate to liability for the manufacture and sale of dangerous products. Given that the danger of selling defective products has increased significantly in recent years, below we will try to explain exactly what this law refers to. Product liability refers to the responsibility of […]

What is product liability insurance?

What is product liability insurance?

This product liability insurance is very important for a company that manufactures products. Namely, this insurance will protect your business if a customer who buys your product suffers damage due to a defect in your product. It covers liability for compensation costs, legal fees and any other costs associated with the case. If such accidents […]

Are wrongful death settlements taxable?

Are wrongful death settlements taxable?

Settlements for the wrongful death of a family member are usually large sums of money. Before we start talking about settlements, do you even know what wrongful death is? It is a death caused by another human being. Or caused by another unfortunate situation or culprit. Even in such circumstances, when others are to blame […]

What is wrongful death?

What is wrongful death?

When a death happens in the family, especially if it happens suddenly, apart from that great tragedy, it can really bring a lot of suffering among family and friends. Also, depending on the accident and especially if it was caused by someone else’s negligence. It can bring a lot of financial loss. Do you know […]

What is wrongful death lawsuit?

What is wrongful death lawsuit?

If someone loses their life due to negligent treatment or the negligence of other people, the survivors and the family have the right to seek punishment and compensation. This can also happen in a car accident, a drunk driver and others. What is wrongful death lawsuit and how to deal with that? Wrongful death laws […]

What Are the Most Common Medical Malpractice Claims?

What Are the Most Common Medical Malpractice Claims?

Any deviation from normal and conscientious treatment can be dangerous for the patient’s life, but it can also result in a lawsuit against the medical professional. Below we list a few of the most common medical malpractice claims. Most Common Medical Malpractice Claims are: Very late diagnosis or completely wrong diagnosis, Failure to treat the […]

How Much Is the Average Medical Malpractice Settlement?

How Much Is the Average Medical Malpractice Settlement?

Medical malpractice settlement is a very broad topic about which much can be said. Medical malpractice is treatment in which a medical professional causes serious harm to a patient while providing medical care, and this harm could have been avoided. Such errors include very serious situations that, unfortunately, can cause the death of the patient. […]

The Difference Between Negligence and Malpractice

The Difference Between Negligence and Malpractice

When we are hurt or need any kind of medical help, we usually expect it to fix and contribute to our health, right? However, mistakes by doctors often happen, which can be life-threatening and even fatal. What’s the difference between negligence and malpractice? If you happen to be injured in any way during the provision […]

How to start a medical malpractice claim?

How to start a medical malpractice claim?

Do you know what medical malpractice claim actually is? Malpractice treatment is treatment when a sick or injured patient is harmed during the provision of medical assistance, by mistake or unconscious behavior. Although malpractice laws and rules vary from state to state, there are general rules that apply in all states. Medical malpractice insurance is […]

How much is medical malpractice insurance?

How much is medical malpractice insurance?

The costs that you may incur due to medical malpractice insurance depend on the type of coverage and the limits provided by the insurer. It also depends on which country you are in and what the laws are. What exactly is malpractice insurance? This is actually insurance that protects professionals such as doctors, lawyers and […]

Construction accidents

Construction accidents

Construction accidents are very inconvenient and often life-threatening for the injured person. Also, in addition to workers, passers-by or residents of the building where the work is being carried out can also experience an accident on the construction site. Unfortunately, accidents like this happen a lot, and they are caused by the negligence of the […]

How often do accidents occur in construction?

How often do accidents occur in construction?

Do you know how often accidents occur in construction? Workers who work on the construction site are exposed to various dangers every day, which can be dangerous to their lives and end fatally. From falls from roofs, to the impact of heavy objects, electric shocks, etc., to the inhalation of silicon dust and materials that […]

How to make accident report in construction?

How to make accident report in construction?

If you were injured at the workplace or had an accident at the construction site, do you know what you should do first? Do you know how to make accident report? The first step is to report the accident to your employer. And after that there are a number of other steps you must take […]

Medical malpractice statute of limitations

Medical malpractice statute of limitations

What’s actually statute of limitations? According to the law of the state in which the patient lives, the patient can bring a lawsuit against the hospital staff and health care providers. This lawsuit is called medical liability or medical malpractice. If a healthcare worker causes injury or death to a patient due to an omission […]

What is medical malpractice?

What is medical malpractice?

Wondering what medical malpractice is? This happens when one or more healthcare professionals neglect their work. More specifically, when a healthcare worker neglects his duties to provide assistance and treats the patient substandardly, which can cause minor and major consequences and ultimately death. Negligence as well as abuse of position and unconscionable behavior towards the […]

Medical malpractice lawsuit

Medical malpractice lawsuit

What means medical malpractice lawsuit? Due to negligent treatment, lawsuits arise because the patient suffers a certain type of damage from health care providers who did not perform their duties correctly. Of course, each state has different rules when it comes to the process of treating medical malpractice, and some states may require the patient […]

How Much To Ask For In A Personal Injury Settlement?

How Much To Ask For In A Personal Injury Settlement?

Do you know how much to ask for in a personal injury settlement? When it comes to personal injuries, no two injuries are the same, and some cases have more value than others. As well as a greater or lesser degree of injury. The final value of a personal injury depends on a variety of […]

How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out?

How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out?

You probably thought that was the end of your troubles when concluding a contract with an insurance company. However, the next step is to wait for the settlement to be paid in order to settle your debts incurred after the personal injury. How Are Personal Injury Settlements Paid Out?To know what awaits you in the […]

What Percentage of Personal Injury Cases go to Trial?

What Percentage of Personal Injury Cases go to Trial?

Do you know what percentage of personal injury cases go to trial? Many cases of personal injury end out of court and in an easier way. So what percentage of personal injury cases go to trial? Approximately 5% of all civil cases go to trial. This means that almost all cases of personal injuries are […]

What is a major cause of death in motorcycle accident?

What is a major cause of death in motorcycle accident?

If you are searching for what is a major cause of death in motorcycle accident, here’s some answers. You can’t feel freedom and a sense of speed with any other vehicle like with a motorcycle, right? Although many people believe that motorcycles are more dangerous than closed vehicles. The fact is that motorcycle accidents are […]

How dangerous are grass clippings to motorcyclists?

How dangerous are grass clippings to motorcyclists?

Do you know how dangerous are grass clippings to motorcyclists? Motorcycles are much more susceptible to traffic accidents than other vehicles by nature. They are also less noticeable to drivers and pedestrians and are not as stable as four-wheeled vehicles. Driving a motorcycle requires a different combination of physical and mental skills than those used […]

What Should You Do If You Hit a Pedestrian?

What Should You Do If You Hit a Pedestrian?

Most drivers’ worst nightmare is hitting a pedestrian. When a car collides with a person, the risk of catastrophic injury is great, and the consequences of a bad collision can be too horrific to fathom. However, there are specific actions that a motorist should try to follow in any car accident. Although hitting a pedestrian is […]

Drunk Driving Charges: What You Should Know

Drunk Driving Charges: What You Should Know

Many people’s first encounter with the criminal justice system is a drunk driving arrest. An arrest is a frightening experience, but knowing how to navigate the system will have an impact on how your case is settled. In this article we’ll talk about drunk driving charges, and a few more things. When Can You Tell […]

I Need A Lawyer But I Can’t Afford One

I Need A Lawyer But I Can’t Afford One

You may be eligible for a court-appointed lawyer if you are facing criminal charges and cannot afford a private defense attorney. After all, one of our judicial system’s pillars is that every criminal defendant is entitled to legal representation. The Miranda warning, which police must give aloud when making an arrest, reflects this: You have […]

How Many Different Types Of Lawyers Are Out There?

How Many Different Types Of Lawyers Are Out There?

Whatever your legal concern, there is almost always an attorney who specializes in it. If you’ve been looking for a lawyer to help you with a specific legal issue, you’ve certainly noticed that there are numerous types of lawyers. The legal profession is wide and complex, and many lawyers specialize in a certain area of […]

What If I Can’t Pay My Lawyer?

What If I Can’t Pay My Lawyer?

Don’t panic if you can’t pay your lawyer; don’t disappear, and don’t expect your debt will go away. Many lawyers rely on every single client payment since they owe a lot of money on school loans, and establishing a firm means having a lot of expenses, thus they rely on every single client payment. There […]

Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

When it comes to insurance companies, they are in business to make money. They are not a non-profit organization and will not willingly share their money with you. Do they know that you have a claim? Absolutely. Will they admit it? Never. As soon as your accident report is filed, you’ll be contacted by an […]

Understanding Release Forms

Understanding Release Forms

I have seen it time and time again. Not long after your car accident the insurance company is waving money in your face trying to get you to sign release forms. Be careful, and I mean BE VERY CAREFUL. Ask yourself, “why are they trying to give me money this early, when they do not […]

Medical Treatment at The Scene of Accident

Medical Treatment at The Scene of Accident

If you are bleeding or have an obvious injury, paramedics will assess your condition and, if needed, transport you to the hospital for treatment. In many cases, however, the injuries are not as obvious. The stress of the accident and adrenaline in your body immediately after the crash may “hide” some of your symptoms, leading […]

Medical Problems & Solutions For Injuries And Accidents

Medical Problems & Solutions For Injuries And Accidents

There are many problems that occur after an accident or an injury, so we decided to make a collection of articles that talk about medical problems & solutions for injuries and accidents. Let’s dive right in! THE GAP IN MEDICAL TREATMENT AFTER A CAR ACCIDENT There are two types of gaps in treatment. One is […]

Some Legal Information About Uber & Lyft

Some Legal Information About Uber & Lyft

Today we’re going to merge the two topics in one and provide you some legal information about Uber & Lyft. Let’s dive right in! DRIVING FOR UBER CAN CANCEL YOUR PERSONAL CAR INSURANCE Table of content: What is the reason for that? Does your policy cover commercial driving? How does it work? What do policies […]

Our Personal Injury Resources Collection

Our Personal Injury Resources Collection

During the past few years we did our best to give you the best and most useful information for your case. The idea was to create a knowledge base that will be split in categories. We developed 3 main categories up until now: Personal injury, Car accident and ”Other”. Today we’ll mention some of the […]

The Importance Of Car Tires

The Importance Of Car Tires

We’ll talk about the importance of car tires and when is a good time to change them. Let’s dive right in! What do you think is the most important part of your car? Steering wheel, brakes, seat belt? Wrong, the most important part of any car is definitely the tires. If we think about it, […]

How To Prepare Your Car For Winter

How To Prepare Your Car For Winter

Here are a few tips on how to prepare your car for winter. Let’s dive right in! Battery The battery is one of the most common reasons for engine failure, especially when low temperatures occur. He then faces bigger challenges not only because of the low temperatures but also because the lights have to be […]

Our Accident Practice Areas

Our Accident Practice Areas

Our Law Office covers many accident cases: Car accident, Truck Accident and Motorcycle accident. We’ll talk about them a bit. Car Accident Car accidents are happening everyday. Only in USA it is estimated to be over 6 million car accidents annually. Some of them end luckily for the involved ones, but some of them unfortunately […]

Our Injury Practice Areas

Our Injury Practice Areas

There are many practice areas that we cover: Personal injury, foot injury, back injury, eye injury. We’ll mention all of them a bit. Personal injury Personal injury is a legal term for an injury to the body, mind or emotions. If you think of filing a personal injury lawsuit, personal injury lawyers are the people you need. Personal […]

Injured? Here is What You Need To Know About Personal Injury Lawsuit

Injured? Here is What You Need To Know About Personal Injury Lawsuit

Have you been injured in an accident? Don’t worry, Bajric & Ramic Law Office got you covered. Our experienced team of personal injury attorneys will guide you trough your case and provide maximum compensation. You can call us right now at (314) 352-6800 and schedule a free consultation! However, if you hesitate of filing a […]

Snow Tires – Everything You Need To Know

Snow Tires – Everything You Need To Know

Snow tires, also known as winter tires, are tires designed for use on snow and ice. Snow tires have a tread design with larger gaps than those on conventional tires, increasing traction on snow and ice. Such tires that have passed a specific winter traction performance test are entitled to display a 3PMSF (Three-Peak Mountain Snow Flake) symbol on their sidewalls. Tires designed for winter conditions are […]

Prepare Yourself For Driving in Winter Season

Prepare Yourself For Driving in Winter Season

Our Law Office has taken care of many car accident cases, as we are one of the best car accident law firms in St. Louis Missouri. During that time we came across many different situations. We want to give you some advices about driving in winter season. That’s because many people lost their lives not […]

What does a lawyer do?

What does a lawyer do?

Since almost everything about law and lawyers is professional terminology, we couldn’t afford the time to sit down and make an article that is almost the same as the other ones reffering to this topic. That’s why we’re here to offer you an amazing article made by CareerExplorer on the topic: What Does a Lawyer […]

Read This if You Want To Be a Law Trainee

Read This if You Want To Be a Law Trainee

In this article we will mention some key things about being a Law Trainee. Let’s dive right in! Job description of a Law Trainee Lawyers in their work are based on the following sources of law: constitution, laws, bylaws, legal customs, legal principles, and specialize in some of numerous branches of law. However, to gain […]

Who is Held Responsible When a Person is Injured?

Who is Held Responsible When a Person is Injured?

To answer today’s question: Who is Held Responsible When a Person is Injured? We will share with you an article found on LawInfo. Lets start right away! ”The law of personal injury is concerned with determining who may be responsible for your injuries and how much they should be required to pay for your damages. […]

Personal Injury Law in Missouri

Personal Injury Law in Missouri

If you are recovering from an injury it can be very difficult. Medical care cost, the work that you missed, disruption to your normal living routine, an injury can damage you beyond physical harm. If you are injured by someone else, you don’t need to necessarily pay for the recovery on your own. If you […]

Successful cases of our clients

Successful cases of our clients

When it comes to personal injury or car accident cases, our goal is to make our clients happy and their cases successful. Here are some of successful cases of our clients. Successful car accident cases I was involved in an accident when a lady ran a red light, striking another vehicle and pushing it into […]

Motorcycle accident lawyers in St. Louis Missouri

Motorcycle accident lawyers in St. Louis Missouri

Motorcycle accidents are very deadly. Almost any driving speed can kill you. Therefore, you should be very careful when you drive a motorcycle. If you had a motorcycle accident in St. Louis Missouri and wonder are there any motorcycle accident lawyers around, you’re in the right place. Seeking legal help is the most important thing […]

Why do you need a personal injury lawyer for your case?

Why do you need a personal injury lawyer for your case?

In this article we’re going to talk about a common asked question: Why do you need a personal injury lawyer for your case?Personal injury law is an ocean without bottom. There is no two identical cases, it just doesn’t happen. If you wan’t to win on court and get yourself a decent compensation, you will […]

What to do when your child is injured in a school bus accident

What to do when your child is injured in a school bus accident

In this blog, we bring you some tips on what to do when your child is injured in a school bus accident. Children are our greatest treasure, so we wish them safety and health in the first place. When it comes to your children, you should not hesitate to give him the greatest possible attention […]

The Most Common Causes of Traffic Accidents

The Most Common Causes of Traffic Accidents

One of the biggest harmful consequences that happen in traffic is traffic accidents. A traffic accident is an accident that started or happened on the road. In which at least one vehicle was in motion, one person was injured, injured or greater or lesser material damage was caused. When defining a traffic accident. It should […]

Danger of Driving a Faulty Car

Danger of Driving a Faulty Car

Here are a few examples to look out for when it comes to car safety. Buying a car and its security check Buying a used car is always a big risk. Most sellers do not describe the real technical condition of the car, because otherwise very few people would be interested in buying them. Most […]

Let’s Respect Traffic Regulations

Let’s Respect Traffic Regulations

Every time you are behind the wheel and sitting in the comfort of your seat, you risk a lot. However, in order to make your ride as comfortable and safe as possible, with as few risks and unpredictable situations as possible, it is worth applying preventive measures. Every day, 3,500 people die in road accidents […]

Experiences of People Who Have Experienced Car Accidents

Experiences of People Who Have Experienced Car Accidents

Read the experiences of people who have had car accidents or who tell the true stories of other people who have. Maybe this text encourages you to pay a little more attention the next time you sit behind the wheel of a car. Those who learn from other people’s mistakes or experiences learn best. Experiences […]

What Is It Like To Be a Participant In a Car Accident?

What Is It Like To Be a Participant In a Car Accident?

Although you would never want to be in a car accident, nor see someone in the same, but you must have once wondered what it is like to be a participant in a car accident. Car accident investigation experts have prepared a first-person VR video of the accident. Watch the video linked in this blog. […]

10 Tips And Recommendations For Traveling in The Summer

10 Tips And Recommendations For Traveling in The Summer

Every year, many tourists from all over Europe travel by car to their most popular tourist destinations. Last year, 42 percent of Europeans went abroad by road, and 65 percent of them traveled by car or other motor vehicle. But summer travel is accompanied by a number of challenges – surveys show that almost a […]

It’s Summer- Motorcycles Are In Traffic

It’s Summer- Motorcycles Are In Traffic

During the winter months, car drivers have become accustomed to the presence of motorcyclists and mopedists on the roads, so now they make fatal mistakes – they take away their advantage and do not notice them in the back and in blind spots, which can be fatal for both. There are two types of motorcyclists […]

Airbags Saved My Life

Airbags Saved My Life

I was involved in an accident when a lady ran a red light, striking another vehicle and pushing it into the path of mine. the accident was so severe that my airbags, fortunately,immediately deployed. I was still sent to the hospital with serious injuries. Further, at the time of the accident I did not have […]

Rear-Ended by a Lawn Care Company

Rear-Ended by a Lawn Care Company

Mr. Ramic has represented me in a previous car accident matter, so when my wife and I were rear-ended by a pick up truck, owned and operated by a Lawn company, I immediately contacted him again. He took the time to explain to us how my prior injuries affect the case, what we can expect […]

A Family Affair Car Accident

A Family Affair Car Accident

My wife and I and our two minor children were struck from behind by an uninsured driver in Illinois. Having heard from my friends and family that Mr. Nedim Ramic had assisted them in car accident cases I called him right away. My wife and I were in a lot of pain and did not […]

Truck Driver Car Accident while in Personal Vehicle

Truck Driver Car Accident while in Personal Vehicle

I am a professional truck driver. While in my personal vehicle, I was struck by an uninsured driver. I was forced to remain off work for three weeks and incurred various medical expenses. I did not know where to turn, when a friend of mine suggested I contact Mr. Nedim Ramic and the Bajric & […]

Uninsured Motorist Accident in St. Louis County

Uninsured Motorist Accident in St. Louis County

Our client Halil was injured in an accident involving an uninsured driver on November 6, 2016. He was transported by ambulance to the hospital and diagnosed with cervical strain/sprain type of injuries that required physical therapy for a few month. Unfortunately, at the time of the collision, our client was between jobs and did not […]

Car Accident in the City of St. Louis

Car Accident in the City of St. Louis

Mr. Gusic was injured on December 14, 2016, when his vehicle was rear-ended at a fairly high rate of speed by a significantly larger vehicle. Due to the degree of force involved in the impact, Mr. Gusic recalled that his vehicle was pushed forward a considerable distance from the point of impact. It was also […]

St. Louis South County Car Accident Success Story – Bajric & Ramic Law OfficeS

St. Louis South County Car Accident Success Story – Bajric & Ramic Law OfficeS

Another successful settlement story. My clients Arifa and her son Asmir, were rear-ended by an inattentive driver on April 27, 2017 in St. Louis County- South, on Lemay Ferry Road. Right down the street from our office. They both came to me because State Farm was not very cooperative when it came to resolving their […]

Car Safety Assessment

Car Safety Assessment

As early as the mid-1950s, car safety testing began in sophisticated test facilities according to set criteria. Thus, the American IIHS, founded in 1959, began testing car safety in various categories of tests. Today, car safety tests have spread to almost all car safety systems. Find out below how to know which car is the […]

The Importance of The Correctness of Car Lighting Devices

The Importance of The Correctness of Car Lighting Devices

Although we never pay attention to the car’s light fixtures, except perhaps in a situation where one of our headlight bulbs burns out. Lighting devices are very important for our safety and the safety of other road users in many situations. Benefits of lighting devices The main role of lighting devices is to emit light […]

Statistics of The Most Common Car Breakdowns

Statistics of The Most Common Car Breakdowns

Reliability is one of the basic indicators of vehicle quality, with timely and exhaustive maintenance. Vehicle reliability is a measure of vehicle integrity. Which is based on its ability to perform its function without the occurrence of malfunctions / malfunctions. Below is a look at the statistics of the most common car breakdowns in the […]

Driver’s Vision

Driver’s Vision

It is clear to everyone that good vision in drivers is crucial for safe driving. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 285 million of the world’s population has some form of visual impairment. Find out below what causes visual impairment and how much it affects driving. World eyesight statistics 70% of drivers have a […]

Safety of Children in Traffic

Safety of Children in Traffic

Every day there are traffic accidents on the roads in which traffic participants suffer more or less harmful consequences. Unfortunately, traffic safety is paid attention only after traffic accidents. Find out below about the safety of our children in traffic, as well as ways to improve it. Statistical data According to the World Health Organization […]

Braking Technique When Stopping a Car

Braking Technique When Stopping a Car

The braking technique seems like one of the simplest actions when driving a car. Simply depress the brake pedal and it’s all over. But in fact, braking is one of the most important and at the same time the most complicated actions that drivers encounter. Find out below the braking techniques that can help you. […]

Deadly Hazards Inside The Vehicle

Deadly Hazards Inside The Vehicle

When talking about the dangers that exist when driving a car, great attention is paid to events and situations that happen outside the car. In most cases, the dangers that are in the car itself are ignored if it can lead to injury to the car’s passengers or even their death during the slightest car […]

Pre-lawsuit Demands & Personal Injury Lawsuit Filing

Pre-lawsuit Demands & Personal Injury Lawsuit Filing

Out-of-court settlement When we talk about the out-of-court settlement or agreement with the car insurance company after a car accident. We can say that some 90% plus complete before the start of litigation or complaint. That is court proceedings against another person. What is necessary to assess the value of the case? What is needed […]

Everything About Medical Treatment And Medical Bills

Everything About Medical Treatment And Medical Bills

Car accidents happen to all of us, sooner or later. Rarely has a driver not encountered a car accident. It often happens that there are injured people at the scene of an accident. This can lead to many complications that interest you and are related to the provision of medical treatment and medical bills. We […]

Mistakes After A Car Accident [Mistake No. 1]

Mistakes After A Car Accident [Mistake No. 1]

Mistakes that people make after they’re involved in the car accident and when dealing with their doctors. Mistake number one is to wait and seek medical care for a couple of weeks. If you’re involved in a car accident and you don’t feel right you’re hurt, don’t call your lawyer from the accident scene, call […]

Mistakes When Seeing a Doctor After a Car Accident

Mistakes When Seeing a Doctor After a Car Accident

Mistakes After a Car Accident Mistakes people make when seeing their doctor after a car accident. Today I want to talk to you about the mistakes after a car accident when they seeing their doctors. I’ve been doing this a long time and I have seen people innocently ruin their case because they don’t know how […]