How Car Accident Claims Work?

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How Car Accident Claims Work?

Car Accident Claims #

If you’re making a vehicle damage claim or a claim for injury, here’s how to get the most from your settlement.

If you have been involved in a car accident, you may be wondering how to best proceed with settling a vehicle damage or injury claim against the other driver. So you can put the accident behind you and get on with your life. In this article, we’ll offer some tips on the best strategy for setting a car accident claim.

One of the most common questions we’re asked at the beginning of the claim process is about the amount of compensation an injured party may receive.

Unfortunately, the answer isn’t always straightforward so we’ve compiled an easy to read the guide below that should answer many of the questions you may have.

How Car Accident Claims Work

What To Do After You’ve Had A Car Crash #

Even though the other driver may have caused the accident. You usually will not be dealing directly with the other driver is attempting to settle your claim for damages. Typically you will work directly with the other driver’s insurance company.

Because of this, it is important to gather information while you’re at the scene of the accident, including the name and contact information for the following:

  1. the other driver
  2. the other driver’s insurance company
  3. any witnesses to the accident
  4. any law enforcement officers the come to the scene.

It is also a good idea to take photographs while you are still at the accident scene. Most of us carry cell phones, and most of those cell phones have camera capabilities. While you are at the accident scene, take pictures of the following:

  1. the locations of the vehicles.
  2. areas of physical damage on each vehicle.
  3. the license plates of each vehicle.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Car Accident? #

The amount of compensation you can claim for a car accident injury can vary drastically, as with most types of accident claims. This is simply because realistically not every car accident injury is the same meaning the car accident claims payouts can vary from case to case. The best approach to getting an accurate assessment of the amount of car crash compensation you could claim for an injury is to speak with us, or a solicitor of your choosing.

What Types of Damages Can I Collect? #

If you are making a claim for property damage only, some of the different types of damages you may be entitled to collect are:

  • vehicle damage
  • personal property damage — compensation for items such as a computer that may have been in the car, or a bike on a carrier, if those were damaged in the accident.
  • car rental — most insurance companies will reimburse you for a rental car that you needed while your vehicle was being repaired.
  • out-of-pocket expenses — for example, if you had to hire a taxi to get home from the accident scene or police station.

Claiming For A Car Accident #

There are several simple steps you should take in order to improve the chances of a favourable result when we handle your compensation claim.

  • You should have taken photos of the accident scene and obtained details of the third party. Alternatively, if the police have attended the scene they will usually have sourced this information for you.
  • Some injuries, particularly soft tissue whiplash injuries, can take up to several days after the accident to fully develop. It is important to visit your GP after an accident to make sure the extent of the injuries have been fully verified by the doctor and that there are no other serious underlying injuries.
  • Keep a record of all your costs and expenses that relate to the accident such as medical treatment, taxis and travel costs, prescriptions, and loss of earnings if you can’t attend work. All these costs can be recovered from the third party when we settle your claim.

Let us know about the accident. Not only can we give you the best possible advice in the aftermath of an accident. But we can also help with replacement vehicles and car hire, medical appointments and rehabilitation and make sure you are fully compensated for all pain and suffering and out of pocket expenses.

The Claims Process #

To begin your claim we will send a letter to the defendant. Once you’ve provided all the relevant details of the accident. If you need a medical report we can also arrange for an appointment with one of our specialists.

The defendant has to respond to the letter that we send within a certain timeframe and they will either admit or deny liability for the accident. If they admit liability we can usually settle the claim without having to go to court.

We will deal with all correspondence with the third party insurers. Presenting the evidence to them and negotiating the best possible payout for your injuries and other losses.

To process a claim you must be over 18 or if not then you must have a friend or family member who is over 18 to act as your ‘litigation friend’ and we would speak with them about your case.

We would need to know details of the accident, how and where it happened, and details of the third party (the person who caused the accident). But if you don’t know this information we can sometimes claim through the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB) who will pay compensation in cases where the other driver can’t be traced.

Why Choose Our Car Accident Solicitors? #

A car accident claims is to compensate victims of road traffic accidents for their pain and suffering when they’ve suffered injury due to somebody else’s negligence. If you are planning on filing a car accident compensation claim, and you should. It is always a good idea to have a solicitor representing you for several reasons.

First and foremost, with a solicitor by your side, the car insurance company will not be so quick to tempt you with a dismal settlement for your car crash in exchange for dismissing the case.

Many car insurance companies want to get car accident victims a quick settlement instead of having the case potentially go to court. While this may seem like a good offer at the time. The truth is, what they offer is likely to be far lower than what you are entitled to and what you will eventually get if you file an accident compensation claim.

Another reason for hiring a personal injury solicitor is that they are experienced and will know exactly how to present your case and what factors to include in the presentation so that you get the highest compensation possible.

If you have any other questions related to the car accidents, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 314-352-6800.

And we’d be glad to answer any other questions that you may have.

Thank you very much and you have a wonderful and safe day.

Bajric & Ramic Law Office
Nedim Ramic – Auto Accident Lawyer – Personal Injury Attorney

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