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10 Tips And Recommendations For Traveling in The Summer

Every year, many tourists from all over Europe travel by car to their most popular tourist destinations. Last year, 42 percent of Europeans went abroad by road, and 65 percent of them traveled by car or other motor vehicle. But summer travel is accompanied by a number of challenges – surveys show that almost a third of breakdowns and technical problems with the vehicle (32 percent) occur on the way to the destination. Also, it is insufficiently known that most traffic accidents occur precisely in the warmer summer months because drivers pay less attention to road safety in summer than in winter. Therefore, more intensive public awareness of road safety is necessary.

Do not overload the vehicle

Excessive weight can adversely affect the vehicle’s driving characteristics. Do not stack luggage more than the height of the rear seats, as this significantly reduces the field of vision and increases the risk of objects stacked in the rear flying forward in the event of sudden braking.

Secure caravan or trailer connection

If you are towing a trailer with a vehicle, double-check the lights, brakes, tires, hooks and safety cables and make sure everything is securely connected.

Availability of essentials

Keep food, drinks, diapers, medicines, toys for children and things you may need while driving in an easily accessible place.

Tire burst

Make sure that the tire may puncture while driving. Check which solution is more appropriate for your vehicle: a spare tire or repair kit. Always have a roadside assistance telephone number at hand. In such a situation, tires with, for example, Goodyear’s RunOnFlat technology, which allows you to cover a distance of up to 80 km with a flat tire, can save you a lot of inconvenience.

Differences in traffic regulations

Different speed limits apply in different countries, and in some places unwritten rules that are certainly good to know.


Respect your biorhythm and travel to a time when your body is used to being awake and active. If at all possible, take to the road before traffic jams and avoid traffic jams and heat.

Car warming up

As tests show, high temperatures have the same effect as 0.5 per mille of blood alcohol. If you don’t have eyeshadows on car windows, summer is the right time to consider buying them.

Traveling with family

Watch the road all the time, especially when traveling with children. At speeds of 100 km / h, the car travels approximately 30 meters per second. If you turn to the children in the back for just three seconds, it can have fatal consequences.